Bearing Christ : Greek
Versatile, intelligent and artistically talented. You love to enjoy yourself and tend to experience a happy domestic life and material success. You have a methodical and thorough mind and are able to organize large projects easily. Charming and like able and with more than your share of sex appeal you tend to find yourself in the spotlight and much admired by others. Life is more fun with you around. lol i liked this
well anyways its been forever since i have updated
i mostly just been hanging with my friends like usual just having a good time
i also am on this bowling league now its every sunday until the school team gets together i like it i hope i do good
I'm not "seeing" anyone anymore
single and lonely again
starting back from step one
well i haven't really been doing anything else i know I'm boring
If anyone wants to hang just give me a call
aka cuuuuuuuuris
(yea thats 8 u's fucker)
p.s. happy 16th birthday to Michelle Elisabeth Doyle tomorrow September 17th