femme_fic - It's all about the girls.

Jan 26, 2009 13:52

Guys! ladybug218 and I are doing another round of femme_fic, which is, of course, the ficathon we ran last year where women were the focus of the stories. Gen, het, or femslash stories are all allowed, and slash is allowed as a background pairing. (Given that boyslash stories, by their very nature, focus on men, we can't really allow them as a main pairing.) So basically anything you want, so long as the focus is on the women.

This year's list of possible eligible fandoms has increased dramatically, given that the wildcard response last year was huge, and also, new shows have come out. If you think you want to sign up, please go take the poll of fandoms you might be interested in writing for.

Forever Knight is one of the listed fandoms. :) Just so you know.

It's going to be run the same fashion as last year, still with a 1000 word minimum on stories, and I think that you all know the drill on exchange-based ficathons, right?
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