Yet another version of Dark Shadows?

Mar 08, 2004 07:52

My mom had actually been under the impression that Joss was producing it, which I would actually prefer. I mean it's not like I don't already expect all the relationships in a Dark Shadows version to start out as doomed trainwreckish examples of why Person A and Person B should never, ever be together.

Plus how cool would it be to see Julie Benz as Angelique? I know, I know, she's forever stereotyped in my mind as the evil blonde, but it's only because she's so damn good at it. But apparently people were just trying to get his reaction about Dark Shadows because it's the WB that's putting it together for next season.

Anyway, total speculation aside, I guess they've got a pilot going (with filming starting on March 22nd) and have ordered six scripts. Here's an interview with the casting director, Matthew Lessall. It really doesn't focus on it much, but it does mention Dark Shadows down at the bottom of the interview.

Maybe this means they'll speed up the release of the 1991 revival DVDs so I can finally get rid of my sadly degrading pro tapes. And even if it bombs, what the hell? I'll have a totally new dose of cheesy gothic fun.

Anyway, informational links:

discussion: dark shadows

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