The Answer Is Yes. - Lanna Michaels (lannamichaels) - Highlander: The Series [Archive of Our Own]What if Kronos had found Methos by following Kalas?
recs recs:highlander recs:methos recs:amanda recs:joedawson recs:duncanmacleod )
Down to the Bone - Parda - Highlander: The Series [Archive of Our Own]Not all Immortals are pretty and clever.
recs recs:highlander recs:amanda recs:ofc recs:genfic )
Controlled Circumstances, or: Five Times Methos Didn't Meet Duncan MacLeod (and One Time He Did) - randomling - Highlander: The Series [Archive of Our Own]All the ways MacLeod and Methos didn't meet, and all slid in between and around the canon we know and love.
recs recs:highlander recs:genfic recs:methos recs:duncanmacleod recs:amanda recs:joedawson recs:hughfitzcairn recs:darius )
An Audience of Everyone - LadySilver - Highlander: The Series [Archive of Our Own]Amanda dies and resurrects and it goes viral. Whoops.
recs recs:highlander recs:genfic recs:amanda recs:amybrennan-thomas )
Fencing - merriman - Highlander: The Series, Ocean's (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]Methos arrives in Seacouver and his sword goes missing. When he gets to Duncan's place, they discover all of Duncan's swords missing too. Shenanigans ensue, including a challenge involving a machete. Not that it stops Duncan.
recs recs:highlander recs:oceans11 recs:genfic recs:amanda recs:methos recs:duncanmacleod )
The Purple Lagoon: Storms in the Desert by juniperphoenixKaylee gives river entirely unnecessary (but adorable) advice on men. River has a dance partner: The local doctor, who doesn't look his age.
recs recs:genfic recs:xover recs:highlander recs:firefly recs:jossverse recs:river recs:methos recs:kaylee recs:femalefriendship )
Risk by Cathy ButterfieldJoe's past comes back to haunt him. Methos and MacLeod can't help, or maybe it's that Joe won't let them. Post-series, includes an Immortal OMC or two.
recs recs:highlander recs:duncanmacleod recs:joedawson recs:methos recs:genfic recs:omc )
Long Have I Waited by Parda and Genevieve ClemensThe story of Methos and Kronos from beginning to end. The creation of a family and the destruction of it, thousands of years later. My one quibble with this fic is that Methos isn't the master strategist that I envision him as, but it's well written and in character still. Methos/Kronos in parts. Plenty of references to and some descriptions of rape, though none of it graphic, and references to torture and violence, some of which is graphic.
recs recs:highlander recs:slash recs:noncon recs:characterdeath recs:methos recs:cassandra recs:kronos recs:duncanmacleod recs:joedawson recs:ofc recs:silas recs:caspian )
Hope Remembered II: Fury by pardaCassandra during Comes a Horseman and Revelations. Rape, torture, and character death.
recs:highlander recs:genfic recs:cassandra recs:duncanmacleod recs:methos recs:kronos recs:silas recs:caspian )
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