2012: About time. Leverage, Fringe, a bit of OUaT, knitting, costuming, femslash, all the things.

Jan 02, 2012 07:31

First off, if you haven't seen the list of femslashers who are active on Dreamwidth, and you're a femslasher who is active on Dreamwidth, please check that out, add your name to the list, and pass it around. (You don't have to be active solely on Dreamwidth!) Also, if you're the mod of a Dreamwidth community with significant femslash content, can you please tell us about it? And again, please pass the link around.

girlgay isn't a terribly busy comm, but there's a steady flow of femslash posted to it, and that gives me a happy glow.

Mr. Havoc has made me a very happy person for Hanukkah this year: He found a coupon, went out to Hobby Lobby, and bought me a yarn ball winder. He went on the internet. For me! (Mr. Havoc isn't a Luddite. He just prefers to use his computer for gaming. The internet has people on it.)

Of course, the printer was out of ink and I had to go out with him so he would know what type of ink cartridge to get for it, but he replaced the cartridge in the machine himself. (Baby steps.) Plus he also got me season three of Fringe. FRINGE. Which hits all my X-Files buttons and has Olivia Dunham very firmly placed as the lead character. I mean, come on. (Someone, somewhere, wrote Olivia/Scully for
femslash11, and I've got that fic saved to my Kindle so I have it forever.)

I've been watching Fringe in arrears (I married an accountant and I know
celli, okay?) instead of watching as it airs, because I want to be well and truly spoiled if they do something stupid and rage-inducing, like kill off Astrid or Nina. No, those aren't spoilers; I'm only halfway through season three at the moment. It's one of the few shows where I care about all the characters. Normally there's at least one lead that I'm enh about, but not this time.

Leverage is another one of those. Last night's episode? ALL THE FEELINGS. Hardison won't give up on his goal to lead a crew some day. GOOD FOR HIM. Everyone relies on what Hardison does; the rest of the con goes much more smoothly because of his background work. Which I think all the characters realize, but Nate, well, he's a controlling bastard. Which makes him good at leading a crew, but he has a hard time giving up that control, both to Sophie in The Three Days of the Hunter Job and last night to Hardison, in The Gold Job.

The reason Sophie's con went awry and she was still able to pull it off is because she's older than Hardison, and has more experience. I love that the show made it clear that Hardison's con went awry for specific reasons: Not because Hardison sucks, but because he's a 20-something who doesn't have enough experience to know that a more complicated plan is going to get messed up. And I love that scene at the end with Nate, where he tells Hardison that he used Hardison's plan, but put a backup in place. I love that Nate tells Hardison he did good, points out what his mistakes were and how to correct them (and even does it kindly), and reinforces that in the evaluation form. (EVALUATION FORMS. I love it!) But. I swear. Actual concrit! Pun intended! I still want to know what Nate wrote, though. I think Nate has been changing this season; he's certainly kinder than he used to be. Though next week's ep brings his dad back, so Nate's bastard side will be out in full force again.

I mean, this is what I see: In about 20 years, Nate and Sophie will be mostly retired, probably at a glamorous Swiss chalet, but they'll come out of retirement every now and again because they can't stop conning people. It's like a reflex for them. I'm betting Maggie stops by every now and again, because she's a spy on another show utterly unable to stop getting involved with them, and maybe Maggie remarries a sane, not-an-alcoholic guy who makes her unbelievably happy and who doesn't necessarily understand Nate or Sophie, but is accepting of them because Maggie is friends with them. (Maggie and Sophie go shopping in Paris, run into Tara, call Parker, CUE SHENANIGANS. I want it.)

But during all this time, Hardison is running a crew that consists of Parker, Eliot, and a couple of younger criminals that they've taken under their wing to mentor. And when they need Nate or Sophie (because no one grifts like Sophie, and Nate is really such a bastard that he's useful), Hardison calls them and the band is back together. It's perfect!

Like I said, Leverage is one of those few shows where I love all the main characters. You'd think I'd be apathetic about one or another of them, but no, I love them all. I mean, I know Nate has manpain about Sam, but I have a child. If I think about what would happen if, God forbid, something were to happen to the kidlet, and just. Yeah. I get it. And I get Maggie better than I get Nate, but I can see how your life would fall apart irrevocably should something happen to your young child, okay? I get Nate's manpain over Sam more than I understand Jack O'Neill's manpain over Charlie, I think, partly because a gun accident, while tragic, is something that's not going to happen to me (because I don't own a gun and don't ever plan to own a gun), but childhood cancer is a terrible thing that could happen to anybody. It's more visceral to me. I'm not saying you should feel differently from me! This is me talking about how I feel.

I kind of want Eliot to get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend), but it would be unrealistic to pair them all up. And so it's okay that he's single and dating around. I love that Tara got some with the James Bond clone and that Eliot and Sister Lupe had a fling, and I adore that Peggy and Hurley are implied to have an interest in each other, taco-and-cat-based and all. Those episodes, they were so much fun.

And then we had , and I cannot stop referring to David Ogden Stiers as Charles Emerson Winchester III. Ever. Not even when he was playing Oberoth. So, okay, I pretended that episode of Leverage was both a M*A*S*H crossover and a BtVS crossover, because Emma Caulfield got work in something I watch! And seriously, I honestly spent the entire episode pretending that Anya was doing her vengeance demon schtick as a grifter. BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. I swear, we already know the PTB are total geeks; I think casting Emma in that role may well have been because she was Anya.

Oh, and Hallie was there in my mind too, because I was pretending Hallie was totally in the background laughing at Anya after the con went awry. Because Hallie had tried to get Sam to make a wish that would have targeted Maggie or Nate, and Sam would never wish anything about his parents, because they were perfect, in his eyes. And of course he was lonely, and in the hospital a lot, and maybe he wished he wasn't sick, but Sophie is a Slayer that was activated after Willow did her spell, and she stepped in just before Sam wished he wasn't sick. So Hallie was foiled and then Sophie told Sam the most lovely fairy tale story ever about his parents, and slipped away before Maggie and Nate came back.

I love them all, but I still love Sophie the most. And I wish I had time to write all the stories about them.

I haven't seen the Doctor Who Christmas special yet, because I've been too busy watching Fringe. Oh, Fringe! (Given the recent Doctor Who spoilers, I'm a bit afraid of watching series seven as it airs.)

Once Upon a Time desperately needs to show me the next episode. I long for a Regina and Emma team-up against Gold. LONG FOR IT. I want Regina to get redeemed, not by ignoring all her misdeeds, but by having her grow and regret them and try to make up for them. Henry has two mommies: Let's make sure they're both good for him. Please, show?

So, knitting-wise, I finished a cowl (for me or to sell, not sure) and a scarf (for Aunt P.) and finished-except-for-blocking a wrap (for
abydosorphan, and I need to buy some t-pins to block with. I could re-block the cowl, if I had t-pins. I cast on for a hat (not sure for whom) in some very pretty orange and red variegated yarn, and a wrap (for me, and for my newest LARP character) in purples and grays.

I think that I have a good costuming plan, with pattern assistance from wiliqueen. Now comes the hard part: Cutting the fabric and sewing. Thankfully, I have some green satin brocade-ish fabric and I should have enough yardage for what I need. She has a chemise I can borrow, until I can make my own gown, and all I need now is a bodice that fits. My old bodices are...no longer going to fit me. I must have fabric somewhere to make a decent bodice with. Time to hunt for fabric, I guess, or hit the JoAnn's upholstery fabric clearance section.

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comments). Comments are welcome on either post.

discussion: once upon a time, discussion: btvs, discussion: leverage, hobbies: knitting, discussion: doctor who, femslash: girlgay, hobbies: costuming, discussion: fringe

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