Title: I Must Down to the Seas Again
havocthecat Characters: Natalie Lambert, Janette Ducharme, Fleur de Brabant, Erica, Marian Blackwing, Alyssa von Linz, Nicholas Knight, Grace Balthazar
Pairing(s): Natalie/Janette, Erica/Fleur
Word Count: 7,158
melissatreglia (originally written for
fkficfest for her prompt requesting a pirate au.
wiliqueen for betareading, and
amilyn for story plotting aid
Summary: The Abarat had been trying to hole their ship, trying to sink La Revanche before it could come across their broadsides and grapple the Abarat's hull.
Author's Notes: This is a total AU; in other words, the setting and the character histories, as well as some aspects of the characters' personalities, are all very different from what aired. Additional author's notes (including historical notes) are at the bottom of the fic.
You can read it either
on LiveJournal or
on the Archive of Our Own.
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