So, as it turns out, my summer cold is actually a cold and a great big sinus infection that crept up on me and stole all my energy. Joy. My caffeine intake has doubled (or so) and I'm trying to get everything done on little to no energy. Wow, that's fun.
On the plus side, I've written about 46k words of original space vampires fic. They're sort of related to the space pirates.
I got Virtuality from Netflix last night. I should really remember to look these things up on Wikipedia, because the Netflix summary made it sound like the whole thing focused on Clea DuVall and Sienna Guillory's characters' friendship. Which made it sound like ideal femslash fodder. Er, not so much. Apparently there is rape. And Ron Moore worked on it. I need to learn that I have to pick my Ron Moore series to watch very, very carefully, and avoid most of what he does with sexuality in it.
So, yeah, I'm sending that one back in the mail today. Very disappointing.
Apparently the (latest) Dark Shadows remake isn't dead! Which is awesome. Honestly, when Dan Curtis remade his own series three times (the original DS, two movies, and the 1991 revival series), I'm not going to complain when Johnny Depp and Tim Burton team up to do a remake.
It will be released May 12, 2012. You only have a week left to sign up for
fkficfest, either on
LiveJournal or
Dreamwidth. Come and play with us!
You should also go take the
femslash11 listed fandoms poll, again, either on
Dreamwidth or on LiveJournal (
part one and
part two). Please, only one poll response on either site, not both.
We also have another
anon post up on
Now, somehow, I'm supposed to wake up. Also, I think I need to take more decongestant.
ETA: Can someone spoil me on how rageful last night's TVD may or may not make me? I'm still really upset about
Jenna's death, not to mention Jules and Greta, and I want to go in prepared for everything I might see.
This entry has been
cross-posted to Dreamwidth (
comments). Comments are welcome on either post.