My weekend avoiding the internet.

Dec 06, 2010 08:02

This weekend, nearly all my productive plans went out the window. Me and my raging UTI spent a lot of the weekend being tired and watching tv.

Or playing Echo Bazaar. I have a home in the observatory. I may be attacked by mobile fungus in the middle of the night, but at least I can keep three cards in my hand! Also, I've acquired 71 ridiculous hats. Is there any way I can give one of those to Mr. Havoc?

*sigh* So my plans to make layered shortbread/chocolate shortbread cookies flew right out the window. Damn it. I'll have to make the dough one night this week, once the antibiotics kick in a little more. This weekend, I can slice and bake them.

We made latkes, though, because latkes are much easier to make with the KitchenAid mixer that has the vegetable grater/slicer attachment. Plus we fried them in the cast iron skillet for the first time, and I wonder why the hell I never did that before now. I <3 my cast iron skillet. (Some day, I will buy myself a cast iron Dutch oven too.)

I watched Deadline, which was a godawful psychological thriller. The acting was great; the script was boring. But at least the lesbian wasn't evil!

Me: There's a lesbian. I'm pretty sure she's going to be evil.
Celli: Well, it is a day ending in -y, Havoc.

If I were to rewatch it, I could probably pick out whether it was ableist or not. The lead character was bugfuck nuts and off her meds, but also wrote a screenplay based on her delusions). Except I'm not going to rewatch it.

Also, I watched But I'm a Cheerleader. Yes, finally. I probably should have watched it years ago, but I have this little thing called "denial" that's sometimes an issue. I am so not discussing the ways in which I can totally identify with Megan. Or maybe I am. My locker was plastered with pictures of women, and I made up crushes on boys so that no one would think I was anything but straight. (Look, I went to Catholic school. They kicked you out if you got pregnant; no one wanted to actually be out as LGBT there.)

I will now and forever see Dante Basco as Zuko. Even if I've seen him in something prior to his Zuko years, if I see him (or hear him) again now, I'm always going to picture him as Zuko.

I am now repressing the urge for a But I'm a Cheerleader/Avatar: The Last Airbender ex-gay camp AU. *facepalm* It's not as if I have the time to write it! But putting Katara in Megan's role and Mai in Graham's role would be awesome.

Right, so, my brain = weird. But we all knew that.

By the way, does anyone remember who wrote that meta about Pirates of the Caribbean being Elizabeth's story? (Lyssie, was that you? I could swear it was.) Could anyone who can find it point out the meta to
zillah975, please?

Things I want everyone to read:

Light a Candle in the Darkness by
escritoireazul, Practical Magic fic featuring Sally and Gillian. PLEASE go and read this, if you love Practical Magic, because it's sweet and kind of sad, and I love Sally and Gillian's relationship, which is captured perfectly here.

In the Light, Remember by
language_escapes, St. Trinian's, Polly and the rest of the St. Trinian's girls celebrate the first night of Hannukah. GO AND READ THIS STORY. RIGHT NOW. Because it's way more than just that. You should probably also read the author's notes, which are so voluminous that she (blessedly) put them in a separate entry. Which I adore, because I love hearing what goes through someone's head when they write a story.

In fact, you should probably read everything she writes about the Chosen and Defined 'verse, because she's so damn thoughtful about it all, including the first story in the series, which is Having Chosen, So Defined (and part two).

Eventually by jinxed_wood, an Eleven/Romana story. I just really love post-Time War stuff with Romana. (Canon? Pfft.)

Anyway, upcoming posts will involve a link to my fandom_stocking sign-up, locked babbling about my Yuletide fic, and why I often disdain canon.

I swear, lots_femslash people, I would rec your stories, but you post a bunch of WIPs and I don't read those. This is making me sad and disappointed.

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hobbies: cooking and food and recipes, discussion: awful movie, discussion: st. trinian's, discussion: avatar

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