The Horology Job (Doctor Who/Leverage) [Gen]

Sep 09, 2011 10:33

Title: Horology
Fandoms: Doctor Who/Leverage
Characters: Sophie Devereaux, Eleven, Nate Ford, Alec Hardison, Parker, Eliot Spencer
Summary: ho·rol·o·gy (hô-rl-j); n.; 1. The science of measuring time.; 2. The art of making timepieces.
Author's Notes: A drabble of the exactly 100 words variety, and in two of my favorite fandoms. Presumes knowledge of the Chameleon Arch from Doctor Who canon.
AO3 Link: The Horology Job


"You'd make excellent Time Lords." The Doctor spins around and sonics the lock Parker's picking.

"Hey!" Parker glares. "That was mine!"

"Sorry, sorry!" The Doctor flings up his hands and backs into Eliot, who spills his coffee on Hardison's laptop.

Nate watches. Waits. Plans.

"Aw, man!" Hardison reaches, lifts the sonic screwdriver. He can use that instead.

"Funny you should say that." Sophie tosses a mesh bag at the Doctor. It contains four closed pocket watches. A fifth, jeweled, is open in Sophie's hand; her body is enveloped in golden light.

The Doctor grins.

"About time you showed," says Sophie.


Could you resist the idea of the Leverage crew as Time Lord con artists in hiding? I didn't think so. ;)

fanfic leverage, fanfic gen, fanfic, fanfic doctor who

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