(Mostly) Sheppard/Weir Recs - Season 4 & Season 5 Fixes

Jun 08, 2009 11:39

Because anr asked, and I have bunches of recs to hand at any given point in time. Obsessed with good fics that fix or retcon awful character happenings, you ask? Able to give half a dozen (or more) recs at a moment's notice, you ask? Of course. This is me.

Most of these can be found at my delicious account, under the tag recs:sga, as well as the tags recs:sheppard/weir and/or recs:weir. I put anything I think I might want to re-read in there, so it's not necessarily a list of things I would consider good enough to rec on LJ, but it is a list of fics that I find eminently enjoyable. (It's mostly LJ recs. I have a bunch of people added as favorites on Wraithbait, so I don't add them to the delicious recs, because I know where to go to find their stories.)

Sheppard/Weir and Gen Recs Featuring Elizabeth

The Twists and Turns of Fate by lone_pyramid
Brave Like Soldiers by lone_pyramid
Won With Sacrifice by lone_pyramid
Easier to Hide by melyanna
meetings, Collide, and Share by miera_c
Nos da cariad by miera_c
Fugue State by miera_c
Belief by miera_c
Never Enough by miera_c
The Winter Will Take Another Tree by antiqueskies
Time Passes by antiqueskies (House crossover)
Though You Will Forget by antiqueskies
this is the first day of my last days by antiqueskies
No place for hope by rogue_planet (gen, not S/W)
Echo by peanutbutterer
Second Chances by lanna_kitty
Like Wounds on her Back and Tracing the Years on your Skin by sugargroupie
"Forever" Really Means "For Now" by soapbox_solo38 (season 5 fic)
Scene for This Mortal Coil by angelqueen04
Since everyone else is doing it and Recovery by angelqueen04
Bridges Burned by angelqueen04
Coming To Terms With Certain Differences In...Plane by lyssie
The Promise of Goodbye by hoperomantic
Run by rory_elizabeth
The Desert Is Dry And All The Water Is Dirty by hariboo_smirks
ficlet by timeboundpythia
Work the Loom by timeboundpythia
Lifesong by rushingwind (gen, not S/W)

A Few Other Sheppard/Weir and Elizabeth Recs, Not Necessarily Season Four/Season Five Based

Plus there's a picspam, the second part of which has s4/s5 stuff.
Elizabeth/John picspam part 1 and part 2 by quiet_fractures

And this is actually The Real World fic, but melyanna wrote Pas de Deux for me for the last swficathon and I love it so much I have to rec it again. Plus this one is just Atlantis Loves Lizzie fic, but I love that genre, so A Ph.D in Astrophysics by soapbox_solo38

miera_c (through lostcityfound) ran the "We'll Always Have Pegasus" challenge, which is a post-series end (or at least seasons four and five) set of stories. Some of the stories are already recced in the S/W and gen section of this post, but you should check out the non-S/W ship fics too (should you be interested in non-S/W). Here's the master list of stories. melyanna wrote Transition, which is Mitchell/Weir, and also very awesome, and miera_c wrote Familiar Faces, which is Heightmeyer/Lorne.

Utterly Shameless Self-Reccing of the Mostly S/W Variety

Some By Virtue Fall (Sheppard/Weir)
An Ounce of Prevention (this is post-The Last Man, so you might want to wait 'til you finish season four to read it)
Ten Years of Perseverance (Elizabeth/Lorne, Kate/John, Michael/Teyla, so I don't know if those pairings are your cup of tea.)
Subdued (Michael/Teyla)
On Floats the Sea (Sheppard/Weir)
Parenthetical (Sheppard/Weir, Emmagan/Heightmeyer/Lorne)(this is by me and medie, and I think it's a little rough in spots, but that's due to the fact that our lives were crazy when we were writing this for sgabigbang)

Speaking of, all of the S/W stories for sgabigbang are here, and I know that medie and I weren't the only people to write season four and after fics. Plus melyanna wrote an awesome U.S. Revolutionary War-based Sheppard/Weir AU story for that challenge.

recs xover, recs gen, recs, recs atlantis, recs het

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