The Fodor's Guide Job (Leverage)

May 20, 2009 20:26

Title: The Fodor's Guide Job
Author: havocthecat
Fandom: Leverage
Characters: Sophie Devereaux, Parker, cameos from Hardison and Eliot
Summary: Business and pleasure are the same thing in Parker and Sophie's worlds.
Author's Notes This story was written for slob_child for the 2009 femme_fic ficathon, for the following prompt: Downtime at Sophie's vacation houses (Dubai, Ireland, Tokyo were the ones she mentioned, I believe?), with accents to match. Sorry, but there was no way I was going to be able to get accents to match in, not without it sounding bad. But I got the rest of it in. This is set some time in late first season, probably after The Juror Number Six Job.

Thank you to my betareaders, beanpot and tinylegacies.

fanfic leverage, fanfic gen, fanfic

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