Forever Knight Fic Recs

Feb 13, 2009 08:10

Two, count them, two stories with Natalie and Janette were posted this week. Naturally, after feedbacking the author and letting brightknightie know what's going on (since she's basically the best resource for knowing what's going on with FK on LJ these days), I had to come over here and share the links.

The first, Unfinished Business, by fickitten, is a post-series Natalie and Janette friendship fic, with Natalie as a vampire, and the premise of how Natalie has changed is both heartbreaking and realistic. (The ones that have her coming to terms with it before more than a few decades have passed have me blinking a few times.) I think the author ignored Vachon's fate in AtA. It was always unclear anyway, and I like to think he dug himself up after a short period of time. (Vachon isn't in the fic, but he's mention in a post-AtA context.) This is a Natalie/Janette story, though it's certainly readable as friendship for those who prefer that.

The other, Hiding Out at the Raven, also by fickitten, is a human Natalie and vampire Janette fic, and presumes that Natalie is hiding at The Raven much like Schanke did. It's a nice vignette that feels like a case that was dealt with by the characters between the episodes. Janette's occasional exasperation when Natalie calls her on one of her self-delusions (because Janette is so the vampire den mother of Toronto) is especially delightful to read. This story is Natalie and Janette friendship, but, like the first story, could be flipped to be read as femslashy UST, if you'd like.

recs gen, recs forever knight, recs femslash, recs

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