Today's Not a Good Day For This [Eureka, PG]

Aug 04, 2008 22:21

Title: Today's Not a Good Day For This
Author: havocthecat
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Summary: Freaky Friday? Any day in Eureka is just plain freaky. Though Carter has to admit that this is more than the usual amount.
Author's Notes: Written for celli for eurekathon 2.0, with the prompt: "Carter gets caught up in a GD experiment gone wrong (like always), and ends up swapping bodies with Nathan or Allison. (Bonus points for both!)" It's not quite a body-hopping saga for Carter, but remember that ep of Farscape? Yeah. I hope that works out instead. :) Serious thanks to medie for a rushed beta job after all the hassles of doing sgabigbang with me just before.

fanfic gen, fanfic eureka, fanfic

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