[fic] Cohort (SGA, lantean_hive AU) [NC-17]

Sep 26, 2007 15:53

Title: Cohort
Author: havocthecat
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Carson Beckett, Dr. Biro, Laura Cadman, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Kate Heightmeyer, Sergeant Kaufman, Jennifer, Keller, Miko Kusanagi, Evan Lorne, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Radek Zelenka
Pairings: Laura Cadman/Evan Lorne, Ronon Dex/Kate Heightmeyer, Teyla Emmagan/Rodney McKay, Miko Kusanagi/Radek Zelenka, John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir
Warnings: Hints of noncon, in that an alien retrovirus is transforming them into proto-Wraith bugpeople and making them want to have sex. Also het and femslash. And voyeurism. Plus Elizabeth is pregnant with a creepily cute bugbaby.

Summary: The hive continues to expand. Elizabeth chastises Laura. Carson thinks he can find a cure for their condition, but only if he can get off Atlantis and buy the medical staff time to complete their work.

fanfic, fanfic atlantis, fanfic het, fanfic femslash

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