[recs] Stargate: Atlantis - Everyone Else

Dec 27, 2006 13:46

Refraction by Martha Wilson
It's a quantum mirror. In Pegasus. Which is just never, ever good. Contains an AU Elizabeth who's, um, yeah. A strong leader. But not one of the good guys. Sadly, our Elizabeth isn't very evident, but the interactions between the counterparts are great, and the Rodney snark is very spot-on. Any story with Rodney snark is a good one. Well, not really, but it helps.

The 10,000 Year Old Electric Slide by sathinks
Radek and Lorne are exploring Atlantis. Lorne is a dear--we need more Lorne, always--and Radek is a genius. I like when he and Rodney argue, because they have a great dynamic, but I like Radek without Rodney too, because he comes into his own a bit more. I personally don't think Radek is any less intelligent than Rodney (but is a bit less experienced with alien tech, which accounts for Rodney manipulating it better), just that Rodney's overwhelming ego refuses to admit this. So it's nice to see Radek having a moment with someone other than Rodney.

Those Glorious Fools by kuna_yashmaa
For the sga_flashfic Secret Superpowers challenge. Another story where Lorne and Radek have a quiet talk together. It's an interesting philosophical discussion (religion is brought up, but IMO, in a more philosophical way) of the kind that, really, you're not going to see on the show. It's set very shortly after "Instinct," and Radek and Lorne talk about the events at the end of the episode, and how there may be parallels in character with Earth history.

Maybe If It Had Been Radioactive by isiscolo
For the sga_flashfic Secret Superpowers challenge. John is such a dork. Really, no more need be said.

Whatever Can Go Wrong by friendshipper
For the sga_flashfic Secret Superpowers challenge. The SGA crew, plus a supers MMORPG, plus an Ancient holographic project ion device equals funny.

Secret Superpowers by skeddy_kat
For the sga_flashfic Secret Superpowers challenge. Rodney's been making a list.

X by trinityofone
For the sga_flashfic Secret Superpowers challenge. I love cracked-out SGA AUs, and this is the SGA characters with mutant abilities. Totally X-verse style. Really, I'd love to see more of this one.

Five ways Sheppard and Cadman do something they really shouldn't (and Rodney finds out) by monanotlisa
Very much in the vein of Cadman + Sheppard = Trouble. Which...yeah. Contains snark, humor, het, and slash content. I can't decide which is my favorite, but it's a tie between #1 and #3. But #5 has a humor all its own.

Varied Atlantis AUs by cincodemaygirl
Stargate: Atlantis
spawns many cracked out fic worlds.
These are in haiku.

LantisJournal by mklutz & ana_grrl
Deeply hilarious, deeply cracked, and totally hilarious. Also, given that there are 200 people in the city and at least 1000 LantisJournal users, I find it a rather accurate depiction of LJ as a whole.

recs slash, recs gen, recs, recs atlantis

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