[recs] Jenny Calendar Fics From The SunS

May 31, 2007 21:12

Because the Sunnydale Slayers? We loved Jenny. *sniffle* (Not dead, damnit!)

Mad Moon In Scorpio by butterflykiki
"I Robot, You Jane" from Jenny's POV. One of the first Jenny fics I've ever read, and still high up there on the list as one of the best.

Shadow of an Apocalypse by butterflykiki
"Prophecy Girl" from Jenny's POV. Consider it a companion piece to Mad Moon In Scorpio.

Friends Help You Move; Real Friends Help You Move Bodies by butterflykiki and lizbetann
"Ted" missing scenes which contain lots of cool Jennyness. Also, Lizbet is sick and twisted.

Maybe Later by butterflykiki
Post-"Innocence" Jenny tries to explain things to Giles. Heartwrenching.

Somewhere I Have Never Travelled by butterflykiki
A post-"Passion" vignette that changes some of the crucial details of the episode. Also? Yeee.

If You Could See Me Now by diannelamerc
Post-"Passion" Jenny talks. Not a happy ending. Still better than we got.

Semper Vigiles by diannelamerc
Giles/Jenny pre-"Reptile Boy" cuteness.

Hard Choices by lizbetann
Post-"Dark Age" Jenny tries to reconcile her heritage with Angel's actions in the ep.

Never Too Late by elainemc
How "Passion" should have ended.

A Day of Remembrance by meeby
The anniversary of Jenny's death. Very good Willowness.

Reflections by neonhummingbird
Jenny's thoughts just before her first date with Giles. Fun, fluffy, enjoyable stuff.

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