I've been meaning to do this, but I'm rather shy.
But hey! Let's get some posting going on the comm~ xD
Title: The Proper use of Talking-Dirty
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Word Count: 222
Genre: Slash, Male/Male
Rating: 18+
Characters: Jean Havoc, Roy Mustang
Warnings: Oral Sex, Slight Embarrassment
Summary: Havoc had asked Breda for some tips on his 'new relationship'. Never listen to Breda.
Fake Cut Is Fake )
Title: Off The Clock : Chapter 1
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Word Count: 4,859
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash, Male/Male attraction
Characters: Jean Havoc, Roy Mustang
Warnings: Sexual Content, Aggressiveness, slight ooc IMO
Summary: Jean decides to teach his Colonel that making love to men can be just as fun as making love to women >3.
Fake Cuuuut~ Why Do You Deceive Me? )
I don't mind CC but I just do this for fun xD;.