Apr 26, 2004 07:10
Wow this is unsual im actually writing in my journal ackward
i know i cant spell IF ANYONE READS THIS I HATE CHUCK HE IS GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNDERSTAND ME CHUCK IF U READ THIS IM GONNA KILL U!!!!!!!!!!!j/k maybe not kill but i will at least hurt him dont ask
well u can but not me ask jaci
if any of you people see jaci tell her i say hi and i love her i hope everyone is like being nice to her if i find out otherwise(ash,jana)wink*wink* u better be nice dudes seriously im not gonna hurt yall but she deserves better than wot you are both treating her. shit she deserves better than me and it dont really matter with that cause ill never go out with anyone else.I hope jaci is ok she scares the shit out of me sometimes. If you read this i love u jaci i have the best wishes for you chika i hate my focking school and most evreyone in it.so i hope everyone reads this at my school FOCK YOU ALL ,HELL YEH MAN,whatever but ok ....!!!!
i think may be the longest entry yet,not sure but maybe
o I have to go OH YEH DAVID YOUR GOING DOWN TOO BUDDY!!!!!i love you jaci ttyl or for now at least,taylor