Nov 05, 2008 00:38
I voted today for Barack Obama. This is the first time in my still relatively young life that I have voted for the winning candidate. I have to admit I have been nervous ever since Sarah Palin stirred up so much interest. And now I feel relief, excitement, optimism, and extreme patriotism like I haven't felt before. I have always been proud to live in the U.S.A., and thankful for the freedoms I enjoy and the rights I have, but for the last eight years I have felt we were capable of better. Now I know it.
I remember the last election, I felt so strongly and passionately about change for the country, and I remember waiting up all night watching the coverage, even after the results had been announced, hoping for some kind of last minute oops....then finally going to sleep in disappointment. The next day I shuffled off the class, and slipped in quietly, worked on my project and noticed that around me, a normally talkative class was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everyone looked tired and depressed, and all I could think was "4 more years..."
This was the first time in our three presidential elections that Jeramy and I went to vote together, and also the first time we voted for the same candidate. (He is Libertarian) We both took today off. I am a big believer that voting day should be a national holiday. So we slept in, ran some errands, and then joined his mom to go to the voting place. Afterward, we went to dinner at Davinci's then came home to watch "I am Legend" and election coverage. When they announced the winner we were so excited. I thought his acceptance speech was great.
Now...I don't expect things to change over night....but I can't wait to see how different our country can be under his leadership.