
Jun 04, 2009 11:00

I am finding life incredibly frustrating at the moment. The last semester of uni was a complete pain in the arse and trying to get all the horrific work done destroyed my soul. Pretty much turned into the ultimate recluse to try and focus myself to finish the work, and since then I've not really been able to break out of it. Barely be arsed to do anything about it either. Whole same old routine has been doing my head in for a while. cba with this house or this uni or this town or anything here at the moment. cba with the internet either, prolly best evidenced by me not updating this thing for 17 weeks, lawl. barely been online for weeks apart from browser games and not really feeling any desire to get back into things either. I guess it is all just part of the routine as well.

Went down to Az's last night, chilled out for a bit and then when I got back cba to actually do anything so I went to bed. Woke up at 7:30 for the first time in ages and it was fucking surreal as shiet. Kinda bad really xD hate having such fucked up sleeping habits. But yeah i've been hanging out with Az a lot recently as well and it's always good times but even that is starting to become part of the same old routine as well. The only saving grace was the little 3 day trip to lahndon to see the J a few weeks ago when I had to go to the BFI for Uni. I think if I hadn't had that awesome weekend to get my mind off most of the uni crap I would have gone insane by now, even though I got god damn swine flu from filthy londoners.

Ah well. Can't complain too much, really. think I'll just try and make the best of these peaceful tiems before results come back next week or whenever and I fail uni miserably :D
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