Aug 11, 2006 00:17
Yes it is true, I have no condoms but an unhealthy amount of Gum to chew on.
So I cam to the conclusion that a majority of the humans on earth are too fucking lazy to even read an entire paragraph let alone four, thus adding to my hatred of most things human... which you indeed do not want me to get started on. If I were to count how often in debates over the internet the other party would only read the first line and then base the entire responce on a repeated fact, it becomes overly annoying to me. Please someone take a bat to my skull should I start to regain faith in all of the human race. A race filled with overly obsessed and prideful inhabitants.
In terms of My music I wish to perform an enjoyable, AUDABLE type of singing, and playing of an instrument. I am convinced that "hXc" or Hardcore is filled with idiotic people who just wish to scream lound and obnoxiously while their fans regress further into eighties and nineties styles and continue to look more convincingly ugly and painfull to my eyes. I wish to abstain from having to scream in every fucking song I sing, I'm not saying I am abandoning it just using it when a song really needs more aggression and emotion. My vocal chordes can only take so much damage before they fail me and I plan to not destroy them any further. Alot of the people who wanted to see me in a hardcore band are going to be sad by the fact that I am physicaly sick of seeing the same old shit every time I got to myspace.
Speaking of myspace; this is quite a funny story. I had logged on to check my messages and had recived a very stupid friend request. The person wanted me to add their shitty hardcore band and promote them with having never met them before... two problems with that. 1) I never promote or whore anyone other then my music a. 2)I hate shitty hardcore bands who think they know you becasue you have one "hXc" band listed in your music section.
Enjoy the read everyone who isn't lazy.
P.S. I didnt once say all Hardcore bands are shitty, just the ones that sound exactly like another band but with a different name.