For you
I so love your Danny and Liz fanfictions, drabbles and writing. It’s hot and passionate and funny. First I wanted to write a little story for you but I know I would never picture Danny and Liz the way you do.
So I asked me about the TV moments of the two and started a little picspam. I believe when I post this today I’ll pass another moment the next days I forgot. I was really amazed how often Eric and Leslie had a scene together in S7 and with remembering Eric’s letter and his words that Leslie is a hot ticket and he loved to make her his girl…sigh!
Danny & Liz Moments
6 x 17 Players
Very professional
7 x 02 Seeds
Nola is
7 x 03 Smile
7 x 05 Depth
no doubt
7 x 09 Untethered
Even the
got it, now ;o)
Bobby and Alex
ruined the date
Poor Liz
from happy to disappointed
in five seconds
7 x 11 Purgatory
7 x 12 Contract
Liz didn’t killed Danny
They still have lunch together
7 x 13 Betrayed…so right!
7 x 16 Reunion
Another ‘Captain’
7 x 22 Frame
It is Nicole’s heart
and extraction fits
not Liz’s guilt
8 x 07 Alpha Dog
9 x 01/02 Loyalty
a last
funny moment
…the end