Do. Fucking. Want.

Oct 11, 2011 18:33

I've fallen way behind on LJ again. :headdesks:

I'm still waiting on the job thing. It's... complicated. Complicated! For scooping fucking ice cream! Ah well. Hopefully I'll find out sooner than later.

Wedding planning is coming along really well. We finally have a budget... and it's better than we thought! We're making arrangements for a photobooth, and a chocolate fountain, and custom decorated vinyl by a webcomic artist that I kind of love. I'm so excited right now guys!

Speaking of collectible vinyl... We want to decorate the reception in part with Dunnys (by the company KidRobot). Obviously we're buying some of them, but we're more than willing to receive any from people who'd like to send them (the same way other people were sent rubber duckies, heh.) They're usually available in comic shops and they're also at Amazon, and they're usually sold in blind packs (meaning you can't see which one it is til it's opened). We prefer Dunnys from the 2010 series, just because there's the most in that collection that would be wedding appropriate, but if you decide to get some and can't get those, that's ok. Just know that something we can't put up at the wedding will be in our personal collection. :D

angst_bingo is also open for ROUND 3!

Um... I think there was something else I was going to babble about but it's totally gone now. I slept like crap last night, waking up every 45 minutes. Meh.

But! Everything is made better with this:

image Click to view

I'll be not so quietly squeeing in the corner now, mm'kay? About everything.

But also the Avengers. And my wedding. And yes.

holy shit i'm getting married, avengers, work, random

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