In which I am both alive AND have access to LJ!

Jul 28, 2011 18:47

Fucking DDoS attacks are made of lamesauce. Hopefully LJ is still up by the time I hit post... This is going to be another randomish brain dump, heh.

- Buying rings is hard, especially when you suddenly realize that there's a very good sale going on at the worst point in the year to buy rings (namely, the super humid, super hot height of summer, when your fingers are all swollen and UGH). Of course, I cheated a very little bit and used the sizing on rings I've been wearing for years, through summer and winter, and from before I gained weight...

Y'know, this sounds a little like whining. It isn't. And that's all I'll say on that. :)

- I know I never got around to writing the LJ post bitching about Br and how he thought he was better than us, so that during game he baited us and picked a fight, and later stuck gum to David's hat. Suffice it to say, we'll be happy if we never see the bastard again.

However, for all that Trickster and KJ were upset by both his thought processes behind what he did and how he did what he did (and the fact that Br destroyed yet another game Trickster's run), they seem awfully hunky dory with him. Gee, guys, surprise! He's less of an asshole when he's not near people he feels like he's allowed to treat like that. It's not like I feel like they shouldn't be friends with him, but I feel... I don't know. Marginalized? Like, ok, we've been upset for the prescribed amount of time, and now (aside from never putting you in a room together) we'll act like it never even happened! :sighs:

- I'd really, really like to get into a new gaming group...Andy's running a game. We haven't gamed with Andy in years, but he was the best GM we've played with so far. (Of course, there might be a lot of nostalgia attached to that opinion, heh.) The problem is we have no wheels, and the train times make getting there during available gaming hours difficult. (Not to mention there'd be walking 2+ miles in the sun...) Throw in the fact that someone (maybe Andy? we're not sure) has "severe cat allergies," which means that in our current apartment, we have no way to host (some? any? all?) games. Especially after the crap with Trickster's game, and how sporadic the game at Grey's needs to be for now, I'm really disappointed that this probably isn't going to work out. And it's going to be a Changeling game! Chaaaaangeliiiiing. :sighs:

ETA: Oh, oh maybe there's a shot. :crosses fingers~:

- I have finally finished the next section of noir!RPS for elebridith. The Third Murder is at a grammar beta, and clocks in over 10k words. Which, damn. :D It's already had a read through for voicing/flow and been given a thumbs up. \o/

After I get it back, I'll have to figure out whether or not it can post in one entry or not... Anyone know if 10k words usually comes in over 65,000 characters? I have no mental frame of reference, heh.

Anyway. I still have two scenes left in a story for ravens_word, the extra porny porn and the wrap up, and then I've only got original stuff to focus on. Er. Well, ok, there's the Story I'm Not Writing (which hasn't got another working title yet, ok? lol) but basically focus will be largely on original stuff. Especially if I can keep upping my daily word count like I had been last week.

I just need my focus~~

- Walking about 10mi a week has been great. ...Ok, great is kind of an over statement. The humidity has been shit, and while the national heat wave hasn't pushed our daytime temperatures too much higher than usual (that is, 101-104F feels like 103-107F) but our evening temperatures... Well, lets put it this way, I decided yesterday evening (before we ended up going out) that we wouldn't be walking last night because at 11pm it was still going to be 91F. The summer in Texas is rough for staying fit when you don't have regular access to a gym...

But we have kept to it. I'm really proud of what we've done. Between counting calories (since January!) and walking regularly (I think it's been 4 months?) we've been losing weight steadily. And while losing weight isn't our main focus, it's really nice to see. I feel healthier, and can walk farther, and honestly even my breathing feels better. People have commented that I look better, too. It's just... nice. :)

- We go to California in a week! Just a week! Is it now? How about now? ... Now? :D :D :D

- David's trucking along quite nicely on his cook book. I warn you now that when he gets it published, I'm going to be pimping it, and looking at y'all adorably to pimp it to anyone you think might like it. I'm not sure yet how his advertising will work, and word of mouth is often pretty brilliant. ♥

- Uh. I swear there's something else I was going to say here. :wiggles toes... tries to remember...:
ETA: Hah, I remember!

I'm currently layout hunting because some of my friends have been evil enablers of evilness and enabled other friends into creating this: mpregbb. They're already starting to put things together, so if you're into mpreg, you should totally go join the comm. :)

Nope, gone. Ah well. I should probably peruse a little Tumblr-age and switch computers to write anyway. :)

life, gaming, writing, random

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