In which I'm trying to update more often

Jul 13, 2011 18:59

I've realized the reason I post to LJ less isn't just because there's a whole lot of nothing interesting going on -- it's because there's a massive brain dump I do constantly on Twitter (and now G+). It's not that it's any more interesting, barring the social interactions that I get from posting stuff there, but I don't feel the need to put together something remotely thoughtful. I don't feel bad if all I say is "wow, my cat just did something stupid," or rant about the latest insignificant stupidity on the part of my roommate.

But it's not like I'm leaving LJ. Except when I go super space case, I still read my flist every day.

I just have to, idk, start using this for free writing. Or reporting my word counts. And generally babble at y'all more.

Like how I'm gaming (that is, table top role playing) with Trickster again. MEGS is probably my least favorite system, but we're playing supers... More specifically I'm playing a hitter with super strength and something called "hands of power" (I can do touch damage from a list of powers like "heat" or "vibro"), who is addicted to boxing (mostly translates into picking fights, the way Trickster runs the game) and is more or less a drunk. It's been fun... mostly. There was a problem player who's going to be back in game tomorrow. And then there's the part where Trickster keeps taking our powers away and makes it so she has to be sober and just... Uh, not fun? So we'll see how it goes. (I want to play something not myself... I don't want to be your problem solver! Drunk. Hitter. It's not that hard!)

Also, I've been slowly getting more fit and losing a little weight. David and I have been walking at least 2 miles per night at least 5 nights per week. It feels pretty good, generally speaking. Although fuck me, the Texas heat sucks. 89F feels like 91F at 10pm? Woosh.

And I'm sure I'll have plenty to say soon when David and I head out to California. Yay vacation! Even if the universe keeps taking away the important part... (We'll miss you canadiangoddess and raggedy_edge! ;_;)

Now to edit. Which will mean putting Twitter and G+ and LJ down. And maybe finding a snack. Hmmmm.

social networks are the devil, me, life

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