Fic: Help Japan 3-sentence prompts for Kadams27!

Jul 11, 2011 04:00

At last! I'm so sorry this has taken so, so long, but here are the 3-sentence prompts that kadams27 bid on over at help_japan! Ratings and warnings are in the LJ cut only.

There's a lot of Kane RPS, a little J2 and a little bit of Leverage. Enjoy!!

Kane RPS - Chris/Steve - You told your Momma what about us (PG, angst) )

help_japan, kane rps, j2, leverage, fic, writing, 3 sentence prompts

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Comments 16

kadams27 July 11 2011, 10:07:03 UTC
wow, I love em all. Worth waiting for & worth every cent. And I am a complete angst whore so 1 & 12 are just perfect....

I'll be over there... in my happy place


havenward July 11 2011, 10:09:32 UTC
:D :D :D I'm so glad! ♥ Thanks again for donating~~


elebridith July 11 2011, 10:55:02 UTC
Seriously, how can you you put SO MUCH into 3 sentences??? *bows* A 3 sentence ficlet shouldn't make me sniffle, dammit!
*goes for tissues and concentrates on the other ones*


kadams27 July 11 2011, 11:20:02 UTC
I know, right? I have to keep re-reading them and dammit I'm supposed to be working... I only wish that I could write like this.......


havenward July 11 2011, 23:21:32 UTC
:blushes: Thanks. :D


havenward July 11 2011, 23:23:24 UTC
how can you you put SO MUCH into 3 sentences?

The general abuse of the English language. > > No reeally, I honestly actually make them work with liberal use of fragments, run ons, and comma abuse. Sometimes I use a semi-colon to cheat and actually have two sentences in one. lol


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havenward July 11 2011, 23:36:06 UTC
♥ I never expect you to read my RPS, heh. I'm sure I'll write something you don't mind reading. Eventually. Probably. Right? (At least for your birthday... and Christmas!)


jesco0307 July 11 2011, 13:04:41 UTC
Oh wow, they are awesome. How is it possible to put that much in 3 sentences?

Perfect, one better than the other. *goes to read again*


havenward July 11 2011, 23:37:16 UTC
:beams: Thank you~

And honestly... read what I told Ele... lol.


badfalcon July 11 2011, 17:56:58 UTC
have I mentioned lately how fucking much i <3 you. because I do. and this... <3
The image of Chris and the ducks and laughing that hard is just made of sparklyshiny things


havenward July 11 2011, 23:39:24 UTC

Yeah, that may or may not have been the first prompt I wrote out of the bunch. XD


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