I am made of random. Rannnnndoommmmmm

Jul 09, 2011 18:17

First, HI. I've been real crap about updating. Oops. -_-

Second, a meme:
Go look at your blog/journal. Find the last Fandom-related thing you posted. The characters in that post are now your team-mates in the Zombie Apocalypse. How fucked are you?
Answer: I'm a lucky bitch - my last fandom related post was a ficrec... Thor/SG1. God of Thunder (Assuming you don't just count the fandoms as a whole, which would add God of Mischief, Warriors 3, and Lady Sif) and military personnel used to dealing with aliens in a secret base buried under a mountain, with bonus O'Neill snark? Yeah, I'm pretty well set. XD

Third, I've started writing again. Damn, but I'm out of practice. It's like trying to run when you haven't even been walking. I'm almost done with kadams27's promptage though (mea culpa, thank you for being patient!) and fighting a story that I'm not writing gods dammit. :ignores Lisa, Sarah, and Nei, and my muses. And Erik, who really ought to put the gun down.:

Fourth: The countdown has started to Captain America Cowboys & Aliens our trip to California! I don't have words for how excited I am right now. I have a new bathing suit and a new haircut and yes. :D I get to see everyone soon~~

Fifth: I got in to Google+. It's like Facebook and Twitter had a (not so) secret love child. Also, they're pretty decent about paying attention to feedback, have a fairly good way of allowing you to submit feedback for problems, and oh, have better policies about content ownership etc. If you're on there, feel free to add me. (Though don't be offended if I don't add you back right away -- I'd need to recognize who you are.) The only downside is that you don't display with a username. ...I had another thought about this but it's gone and wandered away from me.

Sixth: There is no number six. Ok, fine, there was, but now it's time to pick up our burgers and then I need to find caffeine and write and stuff. So... back to the either with me!

meme, random

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