Help Japan: Graphics post! Thanks to LMX & Jesco <3 Plus, a little pimpage at the end.

Jun 05, 2011 05:53

I'm woefully behind on this (and don't worry, kadams27, I'm still working on your prompts!!), but lmx_v3point3 and jesco0307 have been brilliantly patient. Thank you all again for donating through help_japan, and allowing me to do what little I can to help that. ♥

Note: Many of these images are hosted on my corner of the FTP server. If they are appearing incorrectly/not appearing at ( Read more... )

white collar, steve carlson, banners, icons, pimping, headers, help_japan, kane rps, castle, leverage, christian kane, fandom gives back

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Comments 11

neierathima June 5 2011, 19:26:28 UTC
i seeeee you


havenward June 5 2011, 22:35:33 UTC


jesco0307 June 5 2011, 19:47:47 UTC
Oh whoa, so many awesome icons, I don't even know what to say. I'm not sure which one I love more - all the great ones with Eliot & Nate, the super adorable ones with Christian and Steve or the absolutely awesome feet icons!


Thanks again for all the work you put into this and the never ending patience with silly me!

Now I have to go and upload many, many new userpics!


havenward June 5 2011, 19:48:40 UTC
\o/ I'm so glad. :D


honeyjojames June 5 2011, 21:26:15 UTC
Oooh, you do make such lovely pretties! ♥


havenward June 5 2011, 22:35:51 UTC
♥ Thank you~


lmx_v3point3 June 5 2011, 22:32:06 UTC
Fantastic, thanks so much. No 24, with Ryan and Esposito being all geeky (I want to use mooky, but it's gone out of fashion) is so awesome and ... well... There are so many awesome ones! :D Now to decide which ones I want to use, and to find excuses to use them!!


havenward June 5 2011, 22:35:19 UTC
:D I'm glad you like them!

Choosing is always the hardest part... there's just never enough room, lol.


icons! novascotiasam June 6 2011, 04:58:53 UTC
Surprise! It's me!

What absolutely stunning icons, hon. I am in need of an icon update, some of mine are s-o-o old.

When I get my act together *snort*, I will come back for a couple of the Kane boys and a couple of feet - with credit, always!!



Re: icons! havenward June 6 2011, 05:02:08 UTC
:beams: Thank you~~

I know what you mean about the icons. I totally need to shake mine up. I need to finish my Loki icons first. There's just so much other shit that needs doing first. :eyes to do list:


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