From Twitter 05-03-2011

May 04, 2011 03:11

  • 00:18:10: @ DarlingLisa :snuggles:
  • 00:53:35: @ cyphersushi It's not quite THAT cold here, but it dropped to about 45F here tonight. Just. What? :kicks Texas in the shins:
  • 00:53:45: @ greyrider I'm sorry :(
  • 00:59:25: I need to eat more. I just don't want anything we have...
  • 01:30:54: Dear Comics Alliance: I love you and you are adorable. Just sayin'.
  • 01:32:38: #SignalBoost: Help Out The South fan auction - Benefits the areas struck by the horrific weather lately.
  • 01:33:01: I'd love to do another fan auction... but I'm behind as it is. :/
  • 01:41:00: @ snowyowlee :snuggles:
  • 02:07:15: @ BADFalcon :snuggles you too, and pulls in @cyphersushi cos I missed her earlier:
  • 02:19:01: @ Ice_Ziggee :waves:
  • 02:19:21: Dear internet: what the hell, man. You can't find google results? Really? > <
  • 02:21:45: It just keeps feeding me DNS errors. Except, hello~ That's just fine. > <
  • 02:49:00: @ Ice_Ziggee Email received! I will reply when I am less sleepy like <3
  • 03:43:06: Oh my.
  • 03:44:11: Dear B: Why on earth did you wait until NOW to do a paper/presentation that includes a LITERATURE REVIEW. Idiot. IDIOT.
  • 03:48:55: Seriously, anyone know if Chrome's latest update screwed up their DNS settings?
  • 03:49:05: @ charlies_dragon :hugs:
  • 03:51:35: :rubs temple:
  • 03:55:04: @ charlies_dragon Making it. :) Trying to not let B's attitude toward life make me put my head through a wall...
  • 03:55:09: @ snowyowlee Tomorrow. Morning.
  • 03:56:42: @ charlies_dragon Tempting, very tempting.
  • 04:04:41: @ snowyowlee Neither does he.
  • 04:05:09: ........... He's asking a) what a hanging indent is, and b) how to make one. I. What?
  • 04:05:50: @ charlies_dragon I don't know!! And it's not like he's been out of school or something!
  • 04:14:10: ... "What does this mean?" "It means you need an actual, peer reviewed journal." "Can't it be simply what we've learned?" ""
  • 04:19:49: @ snowyowlee He should have been writing this for a month at least.
  • 04:20:46: @ snowyowlee He thought he could write this "proposal" out of the text book. He missed the fact that a "proposal" like this precedes a proper
  • 04:21:46: @ snowyowlee research paper. And by proper, I mean what most people refer to as a thesis. He's just not having to write the full paper.
  • 04:22:58: @ cyphersushi :hugs:
  • 04:25:12: @ snowyowlee And risk him sucking us into writing for him? No way. D's helped him some with sources, but we're going to bed!
  • 04:29:59: Ok, folks... gonna sleep now. Happy Tuesday :)
  • 13:54:22: Falling asleep late leads to waking up late, whether there is going to be groceries or not. Am failing my schedule already :hangs head:
  • 14:00:16: @ celizst Hee~~ Brilliant!
  • 14:01:13: @ lucdarling @greyrider Personally I can't wait to find out how this went for him. Am I a bad person? I think I'm a bad person.
  • 14:02:52: @ NatalieJumper :snuggles:
  • 14:09:05: @ lucdarling And share the popcorn. :nods:
  • 14:11:22: @ greyrider I like your hash tags there. :g:
  • 14:16:40: Dear TV: stop showing me steak! Hungrily, Haven
  • 14:17:15: @ honeyjojames :clings:
  • 14:21:58: @ greyrider I love that you think of it as the common adult addiction, hehe. I don't like black coffee either... My favorite tends to be Kona
  • 14:22:29: Dear fingers. Kona != Kane. I'm just sayin'.
  • 14:24:00: Now Man v Food is doing steak too. :mouth waters:
  • 14:24:16: @ greyrider I never said that. ;)
  • 14:33:19: @ greyrider Oops. I'm sorry!
  • 14:54:07: Dear B: You really felt the best choice in this situation was to email her you crap work and hope she gave you more time? Really?
  • 15:05:06: @ lucdarling I know he had to give the presentation today (which he just didn't do, apparently) and I think he was meant to turn in the paper
  • 15:05:30: @ lucdarling --as well, but half the class presents on Thurs, I think, so he thinks he can have til then. :just shakes head:
  • 15:10:02: @ lucdarling He's supposed to graduate... uh. Now. IDKE.
  • 15:10:14: @ lucdarling I'm just wondering what he thinks "real jobs" are like. :sighs:
  • 15:10:40: @ Nik4815162342 @charlies_dragon Isn't it awesome? :)
  • 15:12:16: @ celizst Oh my! Didn't y'all just have a wedding too?
  • 15:41:29: Dear B: I'm sure that the "only thing stopping you" is that rattling empty space between your ears.
  • 15:56:10: Dear self: Gurana. Iron supplement. These things make me feel human. Take them.
  • 18:06:55: Home from groceries. Note to self: drink water you IDIOT. Dehydration = bad. Also, I have cake and ice cream. Nommmm. :D
  • 18:29:56: After groceries it looks like I've probably only got a $20 drinking budget to split w D. But hey. If only KJ's coming that doesn't matter.
  • 18:30:55: PS: I know you bastards actually use fucking FB. Thanks for not even hitting the Not Attending button.
  • 18:32:37: @ greyrider My last statement doesn't include you... I forgot D had still sent you a FB invite even though I know you don't look at them.
  • 18:34:16: @ greyrider Our daily vitamins have made it on the daily routine before bed... but these I take by myself when I wake up. I always forget.
  • 18:35:09: @ greyrider @lucdarling B is an ok guy... We just see all the *really* nitty gritty omg you can't be serious stuff. All. The. Time.
  • 18:53:54: Have bought some new facial scrub toilette thingies. They smell quite nice. Let's see if they work, shall we?
  • 22:13:13: Got some icons done, now to walk. Bleh, walk! Would rather nap right now...
  • 23:17:21: just walked 2.3 mi in 40 mins on 5/3/11 at 10:36 PM #cardiotrainer
  • 23:22:30: Twitter is quiet tonight. I kinda wanna tip over and sleep.
  • 23:22:58: @ notscarysteve Gnite :D
  • 23:35:26: Dear B: If you think I'm going to do your citations page for COOKIES you're nuts. It's insulting my certification. :P
  • 23:37:55: @ cyphersushi @BADFalcon :snuggles you both:
  • 23:38:29: Oh, hey. Young!John Winchester is in this cheesy horror movie. awesome.
  • 23:40:10: Aw, silly movie, that's not how code really looks! Or how programmers get virus alerts. I'm just sayin'... the matrix has you! lol.
  • 23:52:00: @ cyphersushi Awww

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