Apr 30, 2011 03:13
03:03:52 : @ Ice_Ziggee :waves: 03:06:26 : @ yusaku777 One step at a time... Rebuild the middle class, diminish the lowest class, and fix education. Or we'll never get there anyway. 03:07:05 : @ yusaku777 And maybe stop fucking over the sick, disabled, and children in general. Then we'll be *worth* going to space. Maybe. 03:21:19 : @ yusaku777 We sucked significantly less at it 20 years ago, and y'know, I'm not comfortable w Republicans writing OURS NYAH NYAH on the moon 03:23:31 : @ yusaku777 To me, REPUBLICANS IN SPACE (Space, space) right now is *terrifying*, as would be their approach to new imperialism. 03:26:13 : @ yusaku777 Dude, Republicans from 20 years ago would be better than the fucking idiots we have right now. 03:26:56 : @ BADFalcon I love your dreams, man. 03:31:50 : @ yusaku777 Re: Wolverine and sex in comics - The fanfic is almost always better, or worse, depending on how you look at it. 03:46:59 : @ yusaku777 Fandom has no reason to hold back on the dark, broken, and very-bad-wrong. They can break the rules, and will because they can. 03:47:22 : @ yusaku777 I'm actually disappointed that "Oh, look. They made BDSM look like it's evil/wrong again. Surprise." 03:49:24 : @ snowyowlee Yes. I think for most "standard" comics readers that'd be more shocking. > > 03:54:07 : @ snowyowlee With the lips and the French/Cajun and when his eyes glow.... 04:12:55 : D: Baby, I love you. But you're messing with my algorithm. 04:59:50 : @ Superglrl You're adorable (and I don't mean that sarcastically) 05:02:00 : @ koryou :snuggles on and yawns: 05:02:52 : #5amclubstrikesagain... Just waiting on a download to finish so I can shut down. Managed some words today... forgot to count them though. 05:03:06 : At least it was 5/7 birthday ficlets? 05:05:15 : @ sizemore Hope the little one gets through it mostly stress free. 05:09:16 : @ koryou Yep! The download just finished, so I'm off 05:10:53 : Off to sleep with me. Happy friday! 13:49:02 : @ SpotNTheCorner :tacklehugs: 13:52:10 : @ notscarysteve Walking is good. :nods: 14:03:30 : @ sizemore Your vitrol this morning had me double checking the icon. I kept thinking I was looking at @warrenellis' tweets... ;) 14:05:14 : Dear B: I'm interested to know what you did with the garbage you just took to the kitchen... seeing as I know for a fact that it's full... 14:18:09 : @ katbcoll What confuses me is the amount of sound he was making, especially since he was clearly not taking out the garbage. 14:21:23 : @ katbcoll I'd go look now.... but I'm so comfy... 14:23:23 : @ raven_word Ooh nice! It figures The Corrupters would know The Great Corrupter. :D 14:28:47 : @ BADFalcon @raven_word :cracks up: 14:53:47 : Now I'm *really* confused about the sound B was making in the kitchen, seeing as he left his garbage on the counter. 14:54:25 : @ SpotNTheCorner :snuggles: Yeah, I figured work was being work like, especially since you want to leave. :) 15:05:35 : And apparently game is going to be Sunday afternoon again. Eeearlyyyy. 15:05:55 : Now to stalk some pizza bagels. I blame @ koryou and @yusaku777 ... 16:22:41 : Home from Sack'n'Save. That was more shopping than I was anticipating lol. Flopped out. Pizza bagels soon. 16:29:12 : @ SpotNTheCorner YES. OMG. ONE OF THE FIRST FANARTS I'VE EVER SEEN WAS SAITO AND DANIEL. 16:29:59 : @ nikki01902 :belated worries: Was it a very hot shower? I dehydrated myself in a shower once... fainted just outside of it. :/ 16:30:54 : @ charlies_dragon If you haven't found out a answer already, I can dm you an estimate in a couple hours 16:32:16 : @ nikki01902 :( I'm sorry 16:48:33 : @ SpotNTheCorner Yes please! Especially Death+Arthur. <333 16:48:55 : @ SpotNTheCorner Although lets be honest... Destruction and Eames would get on the BEST. 16:59:09 : @ NatalieJumper JEALOUS. I miss you guys <33 17:10:36 : @ sizemore You thought he might save her, but: http://bit.ly/j7nIfO & http://bit.ly/jSaszE I suppose some things must be... 17:40:10 : @ SpotNTheCorner Speaking of eyecandy, you should follow heisabitgorgeous on tumblr <3 17:44:01 : @ BADFalcon <3 17:57:21 : Interesting... Is it just me or is Belle getting blatantly more selfish? Hm. (Secret Diary of a Call Girl S04E04) http://miso.io/hYQbKK 17:58:24 : Guilty pleasures ftw... (watching Gigolos, #104 S01E04 via @gomiso) http://miso.io/m5x5TU 18:39:51 : Dear Pegasus News: ...Why... did you have the chicken tenders at a burger joint, and how do you go from amazing burgers to bad review? 18:47:41 : ... Ok, seriously, the response to this whole Superman thing is getting more ridiculous. Now people are talking boycotting Time Warner? 18:52:38 : @ bardic_lady You haven't missed it yet. It's ongoing. Supes (not Kent) is renouncing US citizenship cos he keeps being seen as arm of US gov 18:54:21 : Best. Quote. Ever. "Superman renouncing his citizenship is just as bad as if he were renouncing his Christianity." Just. WHAT. #hopeforirony 18:56:32 : @ bardic_lady It's very reasonable. Esp considering in story it's after he visits Iran and they take it as an attack by the US. 18:57:54 : @ koryou Oh idiots have their panties twisted cos Supes (not Kent) is renouncing his US citizenship cos he keeps being seen as arm of US gov 18:58:53 : @ WinchesterWench Right? 19:36:21 : @ NatalieJumper <33 I do my best~~ 19:37:32 : @ SpotNTheCorner Supes (not Kent) is renouncing US citizenship cos he keeps being seen as arm of US gov (in this case, he visited Iran and... 19:37:50 : @ SpotNTheCorner ... they took it as an American attack...) 19:38:17 : ... Have just realized that the Superman thing? Isn't even happening in regular continuity... 19:40:05 : @ SpotNTheCorner Ummmm. You can watch me try to write? 19:40:12 : @ bardic_lady Time Warner owns DC. 19:41:22 : @ bardic_lady I don't knooooow. Oh! Something that might amuse you with facepalming... http://bit.ly/jb0CMz 19:42:14 : #dowant this awesome t-shirt! #addictedtopretty http://bit.ly/afGXSu 19:44:26 : @ SpotNTheCorner How serious are you feeling? You mentioned a few Leo movies... OH did you see the mashup trailer I tumblr'ed? 19:45:09 : @ bardic_lady Considering my backround, I was laughing so very hard.... I can see that convo happening in my old store too. 19:55:55 : @ SpotNTheCorner And following. :) 20:12:43 : possibly my favorite angel entry so far. (watching Supernatural, Mommy Dearest S06E19 via @gomiso) http://miso.io/iP2I40 20:20:26 : @ SpotNTheCorner I could always help keep you amused until bed. :) 20:22:19 : @ SpotNTheCorner Not what I meant, though you know me... 20:22:29 : @ kelsusie Bad Kelly, lol 20:30:25 : @ SpotNTheCorner :smirks: I love you too 20:30:44 : @ notscarysteve No Word? 20:31:23 : @ SpotNTheCorner Oh, dude. His ep was before I'd have thought to link you... the whole thing is *amazing* 20:31:50 : @ notscarysteve ... There's something online that converts documents. :tries to find it: 20:33:12 : @ notscarysteve I believe this is it: http://bit.ly/JyR7x 20:51:40 : @ SpotNTheCorner I'll see if I can find something... after I eat. 20:52:11 : @ SpotNTheCorner KKBB!! 20:52:22 : @ notscarysteve Yay! 20:53:10 : @ notscarysteve ... I think SETS is better. You can plug in with ppl on second half for RPG 21:09:20 : @ notscarysteve Maybe it's mucked up cos merch rooms usually stay open all day? 21:27:48 : FUCK. YES. :says nothing else: 21:30:20 : Ok, I lied. SERA YOU BETTER NOT FUCK THIS UP. PLEASE OH PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING WITH THAT. 21:41:20 : @ nikki01902 I'm sorry. :pets: To be fair I'm not making any other reactions... though when the ep is over for you txt me. :) 21:52:05 : @ Mark_Sheppard People are just so excitable don't you think? ;) 23:14:39 : just walked 2.4 mi in 43 mins on 4/29/11 at 10:30 PM #cardiotrainer 23:19:59 : Confused abt distance differences. May just be minute accuracy of ph's GPS. At one pt we were only .01mi difference. 23:38:10 : This. Forever and ever. RT @supershineygirl: I want a Leverage/Farscape fic where Chiana and Parker rob the universe :) 23:38:24 : @ supershineygirl Can Eliot and D'Argo be grumpy together and then go hit things? 23:40:20 : @ supershineygirl Do you think Sophie and Zhaan would get along? Hm. 23:51:00 : @ supershineygirl Oh yes good point. Much better fit. Tweets copied by