From Twitter 04-19-2011

Apr 20, 2011 03:14

  • 03:42:58: @ bardic_lady So. Very. Pretty.
  • 03:46:34: @ bardic_lady Very. Very unreasonable indeed. :is maybe staring:
  • 03:47:28: @ bardic_lady Some of his facial expressions totally remind me of a friend of mine. Also unreasonably pretty, I might add.
  • 03:51:03: @ bardic_lady I can imagine. (And now I've got the Han Solo "I dunno kid, I can imagine quite a bit" stuck in my head lolol.)
  • 03:55:00: Ok. I think I need to aim towards sleep...
  • 03:55:26: @ bardic_lady Mmmmmmm. Speaking of Trucco, he guested on HIMYM tonight...
  • 03:56:01: DAMN YOU HAWKEYE PIERCE. Making me cry.
  • 03:58:05: Right, no, really putting my computer away. Gnite y'all.
  • 03:58:13: @ bardic_lady I need to remember to DL that...
  • 14:38:17: Hello Tuesday. What's up?
  • 14:46:01: @ sizemore Excellent... Sounds like the perfect midnight movie to finish off my birthday with.
  • 14:46:21: @ celizst I have been meaning to email you to know if you were who I thought you were!
  • 15:05:12: @ sizemore May 5 :D
  • 15:05:28: @ celizst YES. YES IT IS. :twirls:
  • 15:12:14: @ celizst hehehe
  • 15:13:38: And now my birthday is only a week and 2 days away! (Not that I haven't been thinking I'm 28 already, lol.)
  • 15:14:52: :( RT @neilhimself: It looks like the Lis Sladen news is official. Big sadness. Rest in Peace.
  • 15:43:21: @ medjai_trowa When's your birthday? <3
  • 15:54:11: Dear Texas: How do we have a fire warning and thunder storms? PS: No tornadoes today, ok?
  • 15:55:05: @ celizst David says "oo yum" lol.
  • 15:55:46: @ celizst I'm like "bacon... wrapped... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO BACON". I continue to wish I liked fish...
  • 15:56:17: @ greyrider Apparently we're under a tornado watch too!
  • 15:56:53: @ greyrider For the wildfires that have been popping up in N. Texas lately.
  • 15:57:10: @ celizst I think you might be sad tomorrow though :giggles:
  • 15:58:20: Coming to the realization that I will be David-less (he's going to dinner w his dad) when we're likely to lose internet/cable from the storm
  • 15:58:27: Thank god for smart phones!
  • 15:59:01: @ celizst Mmmmmmmm bacon. There's got to be SOMETHING healthy about bacon... Like... uh, the seratonin it releases when you eat it?
  • 15:59:32: @ SpotNTheCorner I think yours has been my favorite RIP to cross my feed. <3
  • 16:00:11: @ greyrider Only Texas could do fires, tornados, and rain all at once... Although it does sound like an apocalypse XD
  • 16:06:48: Mav is unphased by the hail
  • 16:09:03: @ greyrider I've never found a forecast app I've liked, but I like the on board current weather app for my Evo. Which doesn't help you > >
  • 16:19:59: Ok Texas, I'm impressed. Sunny AND thunder is a new one for me.
  • 16:20:48: @ nikki01902 ... I was going to amuse you with a tale of thumb twiddling, but I actually can't remember it properly. :sadface:
  • 16:35:06: #epic #nerdgasm RT@ jonrog1 "That's when we discover there's a NEST of grifters/vampires/ Goa'uld/shapechangers/Russian spies there"#leverage
  • 16:49:49: @ medjai_trowa Hee~~ You need to send me 5-7 prompts for ficlets :nods:
  • 17:05:34: @ SpotNTheCorner :snuggles on you:
  • 17:09:07: @ SpotNTheCorner I have found the first (or the last, depending -- Zoe) so yes. XD
  • 19:01:46: @ sizemore The Killing is a remake? Really? #slowerthanyou
  • 19:10:27: @ sizemore Interesting... The US does like to steal a lot of its shows lately. Er, relatively speaking.
  • 19:12:12: OH: "Why hello pussy!" // I feel obligated to note he was talking to the cat.
  • 19:13:03: So D's off with his dad for dinner now. I'm torn between being productive and playing #ForceUnleased while I've got the tv to myself.
  • 19:13:33: I would use the gaming as a reward but there's stuff on our watching queue tonight. Hm.
  • 19:14:29: Maybe write for an hour, play for an hour? Assumign they're probably gone that long?
  • 19:32:18: @ bardic_lady :cheers you on:
  • 19:32:36: @ greyrider o.o;;
  • 19:33:09: @ yusaku777 lol, we shall see
  • 19:34:41: @ bardic_lady Adventure! And to get the FUCK away from where you are. :clearly wants to move:
  • 19:35:22: @ greyrider Why the hell did he even get out of his car? That's just... ugh. What is this, Jersey?
  • 19:36:13: @ bardic_lady In another time with more money in my pocket, I'd move every few years, just to try someplace else.
  • 19:36:32: @ bardic_lady But if that were the case, it'd be very "If you own a rug you own too much".
  • 19:38:45: @ greyrider o.O Right. Ok then.
  • 19:45:40: @ bardic_lady I miss my books. :sighs:
  • 19:47:31: Derailed by talking to B. About self reflection. o.O
  • 19:50:13: And coming up with a really awesome creative metaphor about getting ahead of yourself.
  • 19:50:41: @ yusaku777 ... Oddly enough, mirrors came up. But no, not that simple.
  • 19:53:14: @ greyrider Aw, I'm sorry it was diminished.
  • 19:54:16: "No, you're supposed to support me and my evil ways! Or at least humor me!" --Dear B: I think you're confusing yourself with D. Just sayin'.
  • 19:54:50: @ greyrider Er, meaning the humor. > >
  • 19:57:05: There went my hour that would have bought me game time. Ah well. It's a mitzvah, right? And I think I get ice cream later... maybe.
  • 20:01:01: ... I just remembered that D will get DMs to his phone. Oops.
  • 20:01:21: However, picturing his dad's face when wookie noises erupt from D's pocket amuses me.
  • 20:03:25: #leverage RT @timhutton: ask Pete Dowd . Anything.
  • 20:03:48: @ timhutton It looks gorgeous out there today. Hope filming's going well!
  • 20:17:24: @ timhutton Ask Pete Dowd: Who's his favorite guest star to work with so far?
  • 20:28:41: @ yusaku777 You are a bad, bad man
  • 20:36:11: @ Superglrl As in the period piece? I watched it in high school... Memories are vague but I was drawn in.
  • 20:38:14: @ Superglrl hehehe
  • 20:39:16: @ Superglrl Like so? :)
  • 20:45:37: @ Superglrl Hehehe... now I have the giggles
  • 21:06:31: @ yusaku777 You're talking about the ones they'd made for, say, Mad Men or Scott Pilgrim?
  • 21:24:48: @ Superglrl That's... kind of amazing actually!
  • 22:06:49: #epic #explainsthings RT @jonrog1: @ andycosby as I once said in a production meeting: "Zipties are for enemies, handcuffs are for friends."
  • 22:14:23: giving it a shot (watching Mob Wives, Made in Staten Island S01E01 via @gomiso)
  • 22:15:20: @ NatalieJumper :hugs gently:
  • 22:35:47: D's mom sent along Lindt Chili Dark Chocolate... It's quite good. :licks fingers:
  • 22:37:13: @ yusaku777 Even playing that game, unless you count "having drinks", I'd have no shots so far. Totally different lifestyle.
  • 22:46:35: Photo: “Doctor is IN” shirt available from the folks at Hijinks Ensue! Doooo want~~
  • 22:52:30: @ Caris42 :waves:
  • 22:57:24: "So let's just go and get this taken care of, cos that's how gangsters roll." Sorry sweetheart. Your daddy was somebody, not you #mobwives
  • 23:19:02: Kudos to the #FastFive / #Dodge cross promotional ad about car chases. The anachronism was very clever and enjoyable.
  • 23:24:53: I think I like getting my regular dose of sports via @ bergopolis & @wilw . So amusing...
  • 23:27:02: @ cyphersushi :snuggles:
  • 23:27:48: @ katbcoll hehehe right?
  • 23:29:56: @ cyphersushi Woo~ Holidays ftw. :)
  • 23:53:34: Dear #RepoGames: I rather like the concept of answering trivia to keep your car from being repossessed. Where were you 4 yrs ago?
  • 23:54:32: @ NatalieJumper I always forget you're not a gamer. So odd, lol.
  • 23:56:30: @ NatalieJumper You roll dice?
  • 23:57:13: @ NatalieJumper And still, the lack of video games is odd, *especially* being a gamer otherwise. Not bad, Just really unusual.
  • 23:57:24: @ NatalieJumper How did I not know this?

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