Happy birthday Honeyjojames!!!

Jan 03, 2011 18:38

ETA: If the images aren't appearing, don't fret -- The FTP server I'm hosting them on is down. They should be back later today.

Because I luffs her muchly! :huggles honeyjojames to bits:

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presents, icons, kane rps, happy birthday

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Comments 7

honeyjojames January 4 2011, 01:39:39 UTC
*flails* Oh my gosh, I can't believe you made me so many! And they're sooooooooo pretty! Oh sweetie, thank you so much! They're gorgeous! *sits and drools* Will upload them tomorrow - 'tis nearly 2am here and I've got to get up early in the morning - but I love love love them all and I can't wait to start using them! ♥

Thank you!
*loves you, flails more, smishes you to bits and then smishes you again*


havenward January 4 2011, 02:32:51 UTC
I'm glad you like them darlin' ♥

Happy birthday! :D


honeyjojames January 4 2011, 16:39:41 UTC
*smishes you again just for an excuse to use one of my lovely icons*


havenward January 5 2011, 21:46:12 UTC
:D :D :D


elebridith January 4 2011, 10:14:41 UTC
So, so pretty! *stares* *goes to look if she has icon space left*


elebridith January 5 2011, 21:41:00 UTC
I snagged one. *g*


havenward January 5 2011, 21:45:56 UTC
Woo! ♥


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