fic: Dollars For Dreams 3 sentence prompts for Raggedy_edge

Nov 25, 2010 21:07

My lovely raggedy_edge bid on me for the first round of dollars4dreams, and won a collection of 3-sentence prompts. Multi-fandom, watch your ratings... any warnings will be in the cut tags, but there's nothing too serious. Hope you enjoy them darlin'.

Comments and con-crit are love. ♥

1: Clockwork!AU, Clockwork!Steve/author's choice, I'm ready now:
Steven stands just off the slight stage in the sitting room, hidden by a curtain from those that would hear him play his mandolin, from those that would have him, he stands and waits as he was told to; though he does not know why they cannot hear him ticking here, why they are so oblivious when they all seem so keen to possess him. Steven waits, the soft hum of his gears filling his own senses, and he wonders idly what a person feels like when they're nervous, if that's what this is, that he is nervous, because he knows there are only two options once his first performance is done -- either Lord Weaving or someone of the Lord's choosing would require another kind of performance.

He can hear Lord Weaving clap his hands, gathering the attention of his guests, so Steven squares his shoulders, tips his head in all appropriate deference, and when the curtain pulls aside, he is ready for the evening at hand...

2: Greek Gods!AU, Dionysus!RDJ/author's choice, everybody's hiding in love from war:
Robert rubs his temple, and tries very hard not to think about just how much he wants a drink (funny how much that's come up since Matthew's slid back into his life like he still wears winged sandals); it occurs to him this must be what other people's family reunions are like, except with less the youngest niece showing up pregnant and married and more the Pacific Northwest could end up a crater.

"Shut up," he finally grinds out, glaring around the room so that he was including each and every one of them, "just shut the hell up and listen. Because this isn't worth going to war over, not any more, or do you think this is fucking Ilium instead of Oregon?"

3: Greek Gods!Au, author's choice(s), choose your weapon, time to pay:
Ares watches the warlord in the reflection of his sword, ignoring the man's attempt to engage him by complimenting his collection; he turns, smiling, and can all but smell the man's fear, which is just as well, even Aphrodite didn't like it when he smiled. "You should be much more careful when you instruct you lessers to steal from you betters," he says, the words almost languid with his displeasure, and he gestures to the weaponry. "Choose, and we'll see if you were worthy enough to make that gamble."

4: Goth Boys!Au, Ewan/Lee, up against your will:
"You don't even realize it," Ewan says, stepping in close and crowding Lee backwards until he's pressed against the fridge, "which... how can you not know, Lee, how can you be so stubborn?" Lee opens his mouth, but no words come and he looks away; he doesn't even know what they're fighting about, or what he just said, let alone whatever it is Ewan's trying to get at. "You," Ewan nearly whispers, cupping Lee's face, "you are everything to us, Lee, no matter how stupid it sounds, you're our strength."

5: Greek Gods!Au, Hermes!Matt/author's choice, some days just ain't so easy:
"You can't run away from everything," Robert says, squeezing Matt's shoulder as he up and leaves; Matthew could hit him for that (and he could too, he's fast enough to be gone and back before anyone could blink) but instead he kneels.

He isn't sure what Lee thought he was doing, nor does he really want to think about it (after all, they got here in time, in plenty of time, of course they did, he's Hermes after all) so long as Lee's not doing anything stupid now, and fuck, fuck them all but especially himself, because he should have known, he should have seen it coming, he should have been quicker about it.

"It'll be alright," Matthew murmurs, pulling Lee to him even if the man's only response is to tighten his shoulders and lean into him, "because you're going to go to stay with Jeff, with Hades, and we'll sort everything out, I promise, it'll be alright."

6: Steampunk!Au, Jeffrey/author's choice, we sleep beneath the same sky:
"You are both," Master Morgan growls, putting his full weight of displeasure in his words, "a pair of blind, ridiculous, stupid fools, as though everything you've done hasn't proven the contrary of your complete and utter idiotic notion that somehow, somehow you've let so far into those thick skulls of yours you're convinced that you can't..." He trails off, more than willing at this point to punch both men and lock them in a closet til they've got their head's screwed on straight; Master Carlson just blinks at him, blushing, while Mister Kane simply won't look at him at all, and Jeffrey is convinced the bastard is just too damn afraid. "You know what I've learned on my travels, gentlemen --it's very important, so do me the favor of listening very carefully-- we all sleep under the same goddamn sky, so buck up, and tell everyone else on their high little self appointed thrones that they can shove it so far up their delicate little asses they can gag on it."

7: Clockwork!AU, author's choice(s), he is just a toy:
"Was that really necessary, sir?" Gerard asks before he can stop himself, because honestly he knows better, he does, but of late Lord Weaving has been worse, or it seems so.

Lord Weaving just snorts dismissively though, still eyeing himself in the vanity as he tries to select a tie; it may be what bothers Gerard the most, that Weaving cannot be bothered to care, that any emotion doesn't so much as flicker through his expression. "He is just a toy, Gerard, a thing to be brought out and showed off, and once I am done with him, put in his place, and this he will do well to remember in the future."

8: Forget Me Not verse, Chris/Steve, do you play to win:
Steve isn't sure what triggered him, what woke Whiskey up out of the depths of his current imprint, especially at the end of the Engagement and when there is no threat; this is different, not a subtle glance, not a mischievous kiss, no. For a moment Steven thought Whiskey had gone completely bat-shit insane and was going to kill him, with the way he'd moved, pushing them into the alley like that, eyes furious.

"This ain't a game, son," Whiskey growls, his breath hot on Steve's face like he's considering kissing him, "but we still need t'win."

9: Goth Boys!Au, Ewan/Matt/Lee, I think they heard a rumor:
It takes a good while for Ewan to notice, until his third cup of coffee as he's moving back towards his desk, there's others looking at him over the tops of their cubicles, and whispering; not that Ewan gives a damn, of course, but it weirds him out a little and so when he's on lunch he times things perfectly to catch Jensen and Tom on the elevator. The pair of them bloody well smirk at him, and Tom even elbows him playfully, so that Ewan's starting to think it isn't something he's missed happening at the office after all; he raises an eyebrow at them, and the reaction he gets makes him blush from his hairline to his toes.

"How has everyone already heard, I, they... it was only last night!"

10: Greek Gods AU, Hermes + someone new, we could be friends (with a kiss):
"You've been taking liberties again, Hermes, sneaking through my gates when I'm not looking; you could ask you know."

Matthew pauses mid-step, the Ways Between blurring to a stop and snapping into place, and in the shadows behind him he can see a figure, can feel that it's a relative even as the shadows bend, the soft hush of wings giving birth to the shape of a man, a little pale but smiling; Hermes would know those prominent cheekbones and mop of dark curls anywhere.

"Benedict," Matt says, cheerfully hugging him and giving him a kiss on each cheek, "it's been too long, you need to come to Portland!"

11: Firefly/RPS, Steven/Ewan, too late to beg:
"Please!" the man screams into the comm over and over, hands scrabbling against metal and glass of the airlock, looking away only long enough to see that the rampway hasn't lifted or dropped farther, just long enough to know the wind is still licking around the edges as the atmo gets thinner.

Ewan just watches him, stone faced, eyes cold, with his arms crossed so that both hands are clearly visible and clearly in no way whatsoever reaching for the control panel; he watches and waits for the pleading to turn to fear, for fear to be swallowed at last by the black, and then he slumps, no longer able to hold himself up.

"It's never as much a relief as you think," Matt says, punching the button so the rampway closes completely.

12: Firefly/RPS, Steven/Ewan, too tired to sleep:
Steven wakes to an empty bunk (just a little too cold, now they're running on reserve fuel just shy of their destination, but they'll make it) and rolls over, searching the room first for Ewan and then his trousers; he wanders out into the hall, ignoring the not so quiet sounds of Matthew and Lee keeping themselves warm, and heads for the bridge. He finds Ewan there, leaning with his hip against the console, facing like he means to be looking at the stars, but his eyes are closed, flickering, so Steven touches him gently on the shoulder.

"Come back to bed," he murmurs and slips his hand into Ewan's, drawing him back to their quarters.

13: Firefly/RPS, Steven/Ewan, deathly quiet:
Ewan had thought it bad enough when they were in the Black, when there was nought but the hum of the engines and the occasional rustle of Jensen moving about, checking in; he'd thought that waiting to see someone was bad enough, that waiting to know anything was the worst.

He was wrong.

They're flat on a rock, and the others gone out into the world, and this ship quiet, so very, deathly quiet that Ewan can't help but hear each breath Steve draws, each small breath, can't help but count the heartbeats til the next breath; the worst is waiting, waiting for Steve to wake...

14: Leverage/Alice, Hatter/author's choice, what to throw away:
"You can't bring all that with you," Parker says with an amount of logic that Eliot can only assume happens in Wonderland, "there's no way all those teacups can fit in Nate's cabinets!"

Hatter pouts, looking at his array of mismatched tea sets from his uncle, and then his shoulders hunch in resignation as he says, "none o' me 'ats either, aye?"

"Well," Eliot says, his voice working of its own volition, and once he'd started he really couldn't stop, "you could bring some, just some, mind, to my place..."

15: GothBoysAU, Lee/author's choice, I can't want it anymore:
Tyron paces around Lee's apartment, his footsteps diligently following a pattern only Tyron has any clue about --though their mother had always planned the furniture around this odd little tick of his, so at least she had understood-- and Lee tries to remember if he pulls all his hair out Ewan will make fun of him and Matt will complain.

"I can't, can't can't cannot," Tyron says and that's it, Lee's had enough; he takes Tyron by the shoulders and stops him (and does his best not to outright shake him) until at last Tryon looks up at him, looking lost. "Can't be in love, I can't do it, Lee, I can't..."
Features Tyron Leitso as Lee's brother.

clockwork!boy, steampunk!au, forget me not verse, 3 sentence prompts, alice-leverage, goth!boys, apollo!au, firefly - rps

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