30 Days of Introspection: Day 14 (+ stupidity of the TSA in humorous format)

Nov 24, 2010 03:02

Day 14 - What you wrote today

Sadly, not as much as I should have. I put in a little on a few projects, mostly cos I simply couldn't focus. (Though to be fair, I did a run of edits for elebridith.)

One: I put in work on one of the stories that Ele has bribed me for. What can I say, some porn is easier than others. (Even if the characters in question weren't giving me the porn. Which, what the hell guys?)

Two: Prompts in various fandoms for raggedy_edge's bid on me in the first round of dollars4dreams.

Three: Original steampunk novel. Finished another chapter! I should maybe get around to the actual adventuring now, huh? :sighs: They go where they like, the stubborn lot...

I also stared blankly at white empty pages for the other original fiction things with deadlines, but got nada, so I guess they don't count. I may make one of them Motorcycle Vagabond though, I'm not sure yet...

..... It occurs to me now would be a brilliant time to post word meters, but I totally forgot, and that's all on the other computer. D'oh!

And now for something completely different. I don't think I've posted here about the new TSA policies, though I've certainly headdesked enough over on Twitter. My stance is essentially that it's unnecessarily invasive, potentially dangerous, and easily abused on all counts, and that a behavoir based protocol utilizing highly trained personnel a la what Israel does (and has worked there) would be much more effective.

I never quite counted on just how ineffectual the current policies really are. Below is a video from Wootfest in Seattle, in which Adam Savage talks about a recent experience (humorously) and what the TSA missed...

image Click to view

travel, humor, meme, idiots, writing, 30 days of introspection

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