30 Days of Introspection: Day 12

Nov 16, 2010 04:13

Since my brain is static (oh rain, sometimes I hate you) I figured I'd carry on with things...

Day 12 - What’s in your bag

My bag... It's a black canvas messenger bag with a nifty little grey design on one side and a black strap latch on the front, and it's got space for everything a girl needs: some gum, chapstick, a thumb drive, my ipod cord, a moleskin, two pens, a mechanical pencil, emergency supplies of what every girl actually needs, and space for my laptop and power cord. If I've got my cords folded up nicely and nothing else added I can usually fit both my computers in there. I've also got two chibi-figure keychains - Kyon-chan (Fruits Basket) and Ed (FMA), and a tiny Wolfwood (Trigun) figure is stuck in one of the pockets for luck.

I miss my chibi Wolfwood keychain. Lost it years ago, but I think it would have suited this bag nicely.

Also in rotation for the bag: an extra notepad, my flask, a beanie and scarf (in winter), Vicks breather (when my allergies are a bitch), my dice bag, a book/my kindle.

As you can see I'm not really a purse sort of girl. I keep my wallet, keys, loose cash, ipod and phone in my pockets.

... Is it wrong I feel silly about trailing off? :does a jig to exit stage left:

meme, 30 days of introspection

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