30 Days of Introspection - Day 9

Oct 29, 2010 18:30

Day 09 - Your beliefs

Yeah, so, I maybe failed a lot doing these on time. But hey.

The ambiguity of this meme can be a little frustrating. My beliefs on what? Religion? Politics? Friendship? (Obviously not love, that got its own question.) Reality? Philosophy?

I mean, I suppose the answer to all of them is yes but that's entirely ridiculous to ask someone for a meme and expect them the wax lyrical about much of anything worth while. You have to have some sort of basis for starting the conversation after all.

Religion - as an organization it helps as much as it hurts. On the topic of faith my opinion of others' tends to vary (for obvious reasons). It's just as likely to make someone a fool as it is to empower them, to make them whole. I grew up in a conservative protestant Christian household, but became disillusioned in my college years by a long list of small and varied reasons. I suppose I'm a theist... I believe there's a god, but it's sort of like talking about the god particle, or the Theory of Everything. S/He/It/They hold the universe together and... I don't know. I've had a more coherent explanation before, but today is not that day. I like the tenants Christ taught, I like Zen.

Politics - can fuck itself. I'm more or less the liberal side of moderate, but the problem is that it isn't just deal making to meet the policies as determined by the ideals and people you seek to represent. It's making deals with companies and being power hungry and blocking good things because you want your game to be the one in play. It's all a disappointment, in the end, and the best we seem to be able to hope for is putting someone in office long enough to meet some of our needs, and hope for the best we don't get fucked in the end. What can I say, I'm a cynic.

Friendship/Family - is what you make it. I'm pretty fucking lucky, to be honest with you. Not biologically speaking. But then I definitely see my friends as more family than my family. The people that know me, all my flaws, and still stand by me... Yeah. I love you guys. ♥

Philosophy and Reality are y'know, actually pretty close, what with me being neither a mathematician nor a physicist. I loved the theoretical physics class we had in high school (bombed the math parts) and I loved the philosophy classes I took (even if they were at Criswell). I'd probably be better about them on another day. (Hated reading Kant, for instance, but oh what a pretty discussion that was. And by discussion I mean heated academia over bagels and coffee at 8am.)

So there's a snapshot. And I believe it's going to have to do. (Haha, I made a funny!) Now to get to writing that short story before I get a stern talking to from Lisa.

OH!! But before I forget:

Offeror sign ups close TOMORROW at midnight Pacific!
Bidding will run October 31 - November 6!

This round I'll be offering headers, icons, and one story. Please help us out by offering, bidding, donating directly, or just pimping us out! Remember we're helping a young girl and the baby she's about to bring into the world. :)

meme, dollars4dreams, 30 days of introspection

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