fic: RPS: Safe Enough to Sleep (1/1)

Oct 25, 2010 00:37

Title: Safe Enough to Sleep (Warm Enough to Dream)
Author: Havenward
Fandom: RPS (puppy!au)
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG (for high cute factor, maybe slightly h/c)
Words: 436
Note: It's not my fault. No, no, really, it's not. Blame Twitter! It's impossible not to riff ideas without being bitten by bunnies now... But I'm not alone in this one, lol. You can see phantisma writing more chronologically (starting here). For cyphersushi's prompt "Rain, storm and thunder". Wherein wee!Stevie is a shifter that turns into a golden lab.

Summary: There's a big storm rumbling through, and Bandit's not the only one scared.

Jeff doesn’t really wake up from the thunder, though it probably started him in the right direction. He doesn’t really wake up when Bandit jumps onto him either, whimpering and begging and nosing him until Bandit’s made a space for himself pressed against Jeff’s back and Jeff’s made at least three vague attempts to scratch him behind the ears. He nearly slips off into sleep again, lulled by the rain, when he realizes some one’s crying.

He scrubs a hand over his face, for a moment his mind too sleep addled to process everything. Who could be...

“Stevie?” Jeff pushes himself up on one arm to try and see where the pup is. It takes a moment in the dark to find him, to realize that his leather coat had fallen off the closet door and was quivering a little. “C’mon little guy. It’s just a storm, it’ll be alright.”

Stevie’s nose peeks out from under the collar of the jacket and he cries again. Thunder cracks and rolls overhead loud enough to rattle the windows a little. Both Bandit and Steve yelp, and Stevie must huddle deeper into the coat because his nose disappears, the whole coat shaking like a leaf. The crying is muted whimpering, now, and the thought that the pup’s trying to hide even from him gets Jeff to sit up and put his feet on the floor.

Bandit whimpers now too, wriggling to try and push himself up against Jeff again. “Don’t you start,” Jeff chides him gently. “I’ll be right back.”

He makes soothing noises as he pads slowly toward the coat and kneels. Jeff barely lifts the collar when Stevie cries and scrabbles toward him, face pressing into Jeff’s knee and shaking.

“Shh, it’s alright.” He scoops the puppy up, holding him against his chest as he walks back to the bed. “It’s just a storm, Stevie. It’ll pass over soon.”

It’s a challenge climbing into bed with a fussing puppy in his arms and Bandit being a fussy baby on the bed, but Jeff manages. He even manages to not cuss loudly when he gets a solid kick in the side. Jeff ends up on his back with Bandit plastered against his leg, his head on Jeff’s thigh, and little Stevie on his chest.

He rubs behind Stevie’s ears until the pup’s eyes close and his little heartbeat slows down. Any time Jeff tries to move his hand, though, Stevie’s face starts to scrunch up. So he leaves it there and tries to sleep, the thunder starting to fade into the distance as he finally drifts off...

safe enough to sleep, puppy!au, fic, writing, cwrpf

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