CRAP I almost forgot to turn the show on!!!
Ascot!! Hi Mozzie!!
I love Neal guessing what Moz is going to go do, I do...
Important huh? Aww, Mozz. Making everything perfect... is it a clue?
Hey, it's what's her face from Numbers. Cool!
I want to tug on her pigtails...
Dun dun dunnnnnnn.
They're not as imposing as maybe they should be. But She's certainly nervous enough...
I wonder if the two cases will tie together...
"Let's see who gets the pen"
unknown texts? ..... MOZ? In the fed building? Oh Mozz.
"Obviously the universe is trying to rob me of my lunch hour" aw Peter.
I love that Neal puts up with him, burning insulation indeed.
Peter's got that look...
Hah, Neal getting the data he wants with the promise of that pen. Cute move, show.
"You could knock"
Oh Mozz. Mozzie... "She meets you and suddenly I become the quirky friend" :hugs him:
Sneaky Mozzie is sneaky. And her place is trash.
"you better start thinking of ways to convince Peter this is exigent circumstances"
Aw, more green screen for El... (We luffs you Tiffany.)
Woops. Neal's outed by the data guy. And El remembers! Awwww!
Aw, Neal trying to comfort Mozz. And they're looking for prints. Cute boys are cute.
Ohoh, place is wiped down too.
Message in finger prints! Awww. This is adorable.
Wait... what's up with Navarro? I mean, other than putting Peter in a tizzy.
Of course there's money involved.
Wait. Neal put his ringer off, but the text went through? C'mon guys. That's awful sloppy for Neal.
Oh man. Did Peter just save Neal's ass? He did. Oh, so very awesome.
And that exchange between Peter and Navarro? Win. Love that tension.
I wonder if we can skip the requisite Peter yells at Neal scene...
Awww Mozzie. Weirded out by the office! Epic music choice!
"If you'd come to me we could have done this right" Yeah, ok Peter. :sighs:
"I'd have to look up the legal definition" :giggles:
Tommy Barnes - oh man. So they steal the girl to get even with the driver. Damn.
Killing her with a nut allergy? That'd be pretty clever.
the only place where big brother isn't watching... but everyone else is.
Uh, guys? That's... a lot of camcorders. A lot.
Peter. Stop. Being. Cranky. This whole El is never here thing is getting to you isn't it?
Is this a Leger moment? I think it is...
Awww. Warning him off. Girl's got balls.
Boy ditched his phone too. Nice.
Smart Diana is smart. And the room turns to look at Neal.
I wonder if this conversation happened in the writer's room?
Dear Peter: What's with the one dimensional? Or are you expecting Neal and Moz to disobey you?
And they're under supervision of course.
"Did you ever see Scarface?" Kind of a dangerous question from him.
Did Jones unbutton his shirt for this? ... Oh. Oooooh. Oh boys you're slick. I luffs you.
I love you Jones. You're brilliant. I love this show sometimes. Slick. So slick.
"You guys have more fun than we do"
Turned around at the Jersey Turnpike... there's laundering... Ooooooooooooh.
Moz. Please, c'mon, Moz. Don't fuck this up for them, ok?
"Want him where I can see him" - ok, they deserved that.
MOZZIE WTF. I know you're not given to trust but some things you cannot get in the middle of!!
Moz. Please tell me what the fuuuuuck you're doing. Calling him an idiot????
Jesus Christ. Moz.
Right out of the book? Who is he giving clues to? Neal?
Gooooo Neal. "perfect exchange"?
What was with the shot of his feet?
"Call me the Broker" another clue? Back towards adorable...
"I'm a New Yorker, we like black" bahahaha.
I like the way they're cutting this, between the explanation and Mozz setting it up. (And yes, I know I go back and forth on spelling. Shut up.)
Ah~ oh so much love for their understanding of human nature.
:loves Neal's snark:
Oh noes. They only just now realized Moz would be irrelevant.
Ack, Peter!
Aww, poor waitress. Thinking Tommy won't come...
DUDE. GO MOZZIE, taking that gun...
Really, Navarro... did you think Peter would come without a SWAT team behind him? Really?
Aw she kissed him on the cheek!
Awwwwww Mozzie. She's not staying. But... Awwwwwwwwwwww... :melty:
Self reflection on Neal's part, yay! Dear Peter... Please stop being an ass. Ok?
The pen, hah.
And onward we go to Covert Affairs. Which I'm still amused by, btw. Although I wish they'd touch a little more on the overarcing plot...