Leverage 3.07 blow by blow

Jul 25, 2010 19:52

I've been relatively looking forward to this episode (since when aren't I?) just cos I remember when they were filming it, some of the things they tweeted and everyone bitching about the rain.

And then Kane tweeted today and Rogers said what he said on the question post. And now? Now I'm excited lol.


Also, really love the guest star tonight. Whose name I should remember, but I don't. lol. Still love how they're using Irish music this season too...

Ok... Since when does the IRS show up at night. Seriously?

Evil of evil. And he just takes the card. Srsly?

Oh, c'mon. You're that stupid? You were conned out of your credit card? Really? ... although I guess if you're scared... idk. How did you not see this as problematic?

Aww, poor Eliot, wanting time off. And Parker with pinatas!! lol, the look on her face...

:giggles: candy and proving you're still paying attention, good job Parker!

I, like Neierathima, want to know about the Juarez job....

Aww, Parker's pinata! And Eliot being so giddy about going to the bank.... so that he can fishing? oh Eliot...

"What's that smell?" "Fresh air." "I don't like it!"

I kinda wanna draw hearts around Eliot's accent...

Ohoh, phone calls in the background...

Wait, isn't that the same tall building they used for Inside Job?

Oh, lookie, fake IRS man works for Mr. Bad Guy.

haha, last time I saw Charles was at his funeral... it's always the way it works isn't it? The guy's always dead?

I love that Parker thinks it's a trick about knowing when you die.

Ah, look. The local.... militia. That's a lotta guns, even for Eliot. And that's a lot of red dots on Hardison's bird...

I love that Eliot's keeping a map in his head, I really do. Good survival instincts.

Parker. Teaching a cycling class. That's just... craziness.

I love you Nate, and your crazy hats.

Doesn't look like a bank... hahaha. It's funny that it sells the point, though.

Oh man, they're handcuffed together aren't they.

I really hope the kid is an in, cos I don't think Eliot wants to fight him.

"Ain't gonna happen bubba" :draws hearts around Eliot:

Hardison, man, the way you babble, Jesus. You do make for a good distraction.

"what plan? Smoke cigarettes and die?"

Oh Parker. I love you. And how upset you are by this.

Hardison: which of you has survival training? You had to lose at rock paper scissors to follow him? (Although omg, I love they brought that back, man.)

Ooooo, secret office room is secret. Looks like he's a super sekret militia man, no? (Yeah, we saw this going there already, I know. It's just cute.)

Cute way to make Mr Bad Guy spill.

And y'all only just now figured out that they're gone. Really? :tips head: Oh man. Rogers you really gotta show that they don't always keep in contact and get cross convos, cos how do you miss this? Especially if Hardison always keeps his comm in?

Please tell me Eliot's fucking with Hardison about the skunkweed, cos if they've got hound dogs, the boys are fucked...

Their arguing in the woods...

"Cos he was already dead" Oh Eliot...

Oh. Oh please tell me that they have to climb a tree. PLEASE.

Aghhh. Scariest cat screen saver ever.

HAHAHA IN THE TREE. And Nate's going to steal a train for them.

Parker is far too adorable.

I enjoy the team faking being lots of people far, far too much. And also, Sophie being worried (and not nagging).

Yay for getting a check. So what's gonna happen in the next 20?

... Oh. They'll get caught again, of course. :sighs:

Or that. Have I mentioned I love you boys? Kicking in sync and everything.

What were you smelling..... oh. Oh no. Bombs are bad.

Oh Hardison.... I love it.

GUYS. WHAT THE HELL. You don't have Hardison. This is bush league! Getting caught by quality control?

"Revolution's started early" lol, really Sophie? Your flare for the dramatic...

CWA... Also love that Eliot knows Nate's just making a face at that...

Just pull the fire alarm... awesome. So simple...

Bonding over getting ready to kick ass... only Eliot and Hardison.

So how many ways can Eliot stop a man?

"Science, it works!" ILU Rogers...

Boys, hope getting caught is in the plan.

OMG REALLY? you put the cigarette on the explosives? Ok, I love you. SO HARD.

So what does Mr. Bad Guy have in his car that he doesn't know he has? I can't imagine he's going to just get away...

I love that Hardison's ridiculously proud of making a bomb out of a menthol light cigarette.

ATF AIRBORN. :giggles: Nate. I love you. And framing him up as a snitch? Omg Nate. And David called the empty briefcase. LOL

I so called Parker as a horrible speeder. Poor Sophie...

"Eliot, I stole you a train. Have a little faith."

I kinda want an AU where Sophie and Parker are FBI partners now. :D

Parker's hat!

Hardison and Eliot. Fishing. As a video game. Poor, poor Eliot... so pouty.

And without being spoilericious... NEXT WEEK OMG. XD

And now? Mad Men. Jesus Sunday tv is insane...

episode reaction, leverage, tv, geektastic

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