Leverage blow by blow: 3.01 AND 3.02!

Jun 20, 2010 19:57

Finally! It's seemed like forever and ever since the s2 finale... and ConCon at that! :rubs hands together: I'm pretty freaking excited, even despite how today has gone. Each ep will have it's own cut, will a little bit of a buffer in case you only watched one or the other. Feel free to babble at me in the comments. And don't forget! Rogers has got his question post up for the post games, both eps in one this week.

Leverage 3.01:
OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S HERE. I'm loving the timer in the lower left hand corner, man.

Oh, helloooo. Their names? Very, very pilot.

Parker? Fell asleep? Upside down? I love it.

They're breaking Nate out already huh? Cute.

Haha, Hardison sets off the car alarm. Also very pilot.

Efficient team is efficient.

Getting hit by a car is bad...

And. Nate's not getting into the car.

That's amazing, subbing over the voices... And he's plugged in to the team talking.

Love the team's reaction to Sophie.

And Hardison cuts him off, and Sophie dangles the real name thing. I'm amused.

I like her, all shadowy. Very noir.

Hello, The Italian. I think I like you already.

HI EDWIN. I love you! Aww, getting beat up.

GO NATE. Were you taking lessons from Eliot?

Course the Warden should have put him in protective custody. Hello evil of the ... hour. Thing.

I love how paranoid he is about the kilbasa. However you spell that.

"me time" ilu Hardison. Also? Use of the word hinky.

Really Nate? Shanking a man to save him? "Just a little, it's fine."

Ok, Edwin, I really think you're adorable. I might needs to look you up on IMDb and see if there's something I can get my hands on.

Hello Mr. Evil Warden. You're so slick you're slimy.

Much more subtle accent Hardison, nicely done.

Wow. Skeevy prison system is skeevy.

Hi Eliot! Abernathy? :pauses: Abernathy... why?

Shanked by my own scalpel... oh Eliot.

:giggles: sawing through some bone...

"who run a con on their own team" well, you didn't do much to Sophie. I'm juuuuust sayin'.

Though I do like the trust issues. I do.

Aw, Eliot, tripping over Sophie's real name.

That was a slick entrance ladies. I do love you when you're at your best.

Oooh. Not just a dirty warden, dirty judges too? Nate does have a nose for finding the big ones...

And Eliot has a very good point, about trusting the system.

Is it wrong I love it when Sophie gets pushy? When the team gets pissed about a cause? Mmm.

((Oh man. Lyrica? Really guys? Is this supposed to be a commentary on fandom?))

... Did Sophie take over a campaign? God I love this show!

The photoshoot is killing me. Parker, oh Parker. I love. You. Yes, Hardison, why are you looking away??

eat you up with a spoon. Oh man. Campaign posters have never sounded so... delicious.

Parker sounds way too cheerful about mapping things out old school.

Love the new living room office. (Dude it was so freaking sweet to see in person.)

Sneaky!Eliot is sneaky.

Also? H/P love.

I think I love Hardison's bitch face a lot.

Did. Did Nate plot things out on his chess board? Freak, I swear.

Oh Parker. I love you, trying to remember to call her Sophie.

Oh Soph, punishing Nate with his money...

brutally gunned down... hahaha.

Oh man. Seriously? Complications ftw. I mean. I love you Edwin! Don't die!!

"Make it look like a prison hit" dirty guards are dirty.

Oooooh, ohhhh. The Italian... this is going to make shit messy, isn't it.

Aww, Parker likes the new van. Wonder if it's got a name...

I like Sophie in charge sometimes, I do.

Ah, Eliot. I've missed your ass-kickery.

LOL "new glasses"

Dear Eliot: It's called Rule Number 2, Double Tap...

So. Waaaait. Did the Italian help them or not?

Dry cleaning? Is that the best you can manage Hardison?

Sophie's itchy...

HAHAHA. Oh PLEASE tell me that's Hardison's thing from earlier! YES YES YES. And Parker steering it! Oh man, that face. Adorably geeky, lol.

And he's at the bank withdrawing money. Hopefully this is to plan now... We should be wrapping up soon if we want to have a nice little chat with The Italian later...

And y'know? For all the fuss fandom was making about boohooing Clooney's girlfriend? I'm actually kind of liking her. I look forward to her making shit rocky. And? She's gorgeous.

I do so love H/P. The chemistry = win. The whole secretary thing? Yeah. AWESOME.

BONANO! (Or, uh, however you spell it.) I LOVE YOU. YAY FOR BEING BACK!!

Fuck yes! I love it when a plan comes together!

Hi Edwin! I see why they left you now. Good man.

:gleeeeeees: I do. Love. This. Show.

And the guard too? I love it. LOVE IT.

See? I knew she'd show up. They were gonna play fugitive and everything. Also? Eliot's first reaction? And the way he still stops for Nate.

Smart Nate is smart.

The cuts back and forth are confusing, with it not being flashbacky.

Yeah, I'm gonna like not liking The Italian.

Try being a drunk thief? Oh Nate.

LOL trying out names on her. You're adorable. She's a grifter, you think she's gonna play to that?


Leverage 3.02:
Damn there was no break there, was there. Random napping is bad.

New opening... I... think I like it? Maybe?

Manticore? ... Nice.

I like that Hardison's sitting in on this one. And arguing with Nate. Cocky Hardison ftw.

Eliot lurking ftw!

Oh Nate. Fucking with Hardison. And Eliot smirking. I love it.

And Eliot fucking with Sophie? Dude. Awesome.

The dynamics of awesome.

Also, I want Parker's jacket like woah. Also? Confiscate me some pastries? Awesome.

Sneaky team is sneaky. Also? Eliot playing food inspector is adorable.

... So is Eliot making tea.

I'm missing something between Eliot and Sophie. He's being very particular, and she keeps touching his arm.

Of course Eliot trimmed bonzai with a geisha.


That was such a beautiful set up. It really was.

... Those masky things hanging on the wall creeped me out.

I adore the music cue here.

Wait. Have I missed something about the computer from the 80s? It... shouldn't be able to do that should it? Maybe he mucked with the inside, so that people would just assume it was memorabilia? :frowns:

"it's speaking a dead language" "oooh that's a bad beep" ILU Hardison

HAHAHA Creepy masks had a purpose besides their creepiness!

I really love Hardison's hat here.

:giggles: the whole argument about whether Hardison got beat up in high school and... BAD ELIOT, NO CONFUSING GREEN HORNET WITH GREEN LANTERN. I'm just sayin'.


I get worried when the entire team smiles.

I love you and your accents Sophie. I do.

Skeevy mark is skeevy.

Did they go and pick out ppl that look like them? lol... I didn't look up in time though, were they old pics of the actors? Or just convenient look sorta likes?

YOUNG!HARDISON!!! I love it.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT ELIOT YOU DOG. Young!Eliot. Just. OMG. OMFG. Seriously. They even gave him a hoodie under the coat...

Sophie. I love you. And Hardison, adding her in to the yearbook... Epic. Jesus that giggle.

Socks. With the sandles. And the HUTTON HAIR. Oh man. :dies: And the fly... :dies some more:

Aww, we're halfway through already? Too fast! It's going by too fast!!!

Wow. "If I weren't on my second husband" Dude.

Nate being swamped is funny. Hardison getting sucked in to people's stories...

OMG IT'S PAUL!!! EPIC!! NICE shout out to your producers show!!

So. Parker never went to high school? What was she doing...

Eliot looks so pissed about being stuck in front of that computer...

:raises eyebrow: And who is this? The actress, I mean, I swear to god I know her...

Wow, she's pushy.... a closet? Seriously?

:headdesks: Of course she locks him in there. Jesus Nate. Surely you could have played that better.

Oooh oh. Is that the Iranians cutting through the door? Couldn't hear what Eliot said...

"bloody little slut" Oh Sophie, taking it personally...

Oooooh... Hardison. Really? It took you this long to run facial recognition???

"I'm gonna hafta dock you again" Oh Eliot.

NICE move with the trophy.

I love where she keeps her silencer.

Oh. OH. Sophie + fire extinguisher ftw. Now, does kicking ass mean she's been training with Eliot too? Or is that something about her past?

Whee! Parker ftw! She really loves tasers... ROFL catering...

:sighs: This is what happens when Eliot's not around to empty the clip...

Why would they be in with the assassin but save you? :rolls eyes:

Oh doucherman, you're kind of stupid, y'know?

Hee~ Eliot. I love how tetchy you get when they don't stay down...

I heart brain washing. Well. Behavioral programming.


Awwwww... Can I give their client a really big hug?

Really? Seriously guys? :giggles: I kinda hope that Hardison and Parker both did it on purpose...

Aw, Nate. That was a cute attempt Nate.

OMG H/P is adorable and awkward and perfect, I'm just sayin'.

Awwww, poor Eliot. Nobody's answering you... We... cared. We weren't worried, but we cared. That's close enough, right? XD

OMFG. It needs to be next sunday. Right. Now. It's been too long since we've had Leverage! Too, too long! And next week we get 2 episodes again!

Although, I daresay we've got some True Blood later tonight. And next week brings Entourage too! Too much good tv all on Sunday!!

geekgasm, episode reaction, leverage, tv

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