At some point I planned on actually using words...

May 31, 2010 23:11

My brain is fried. Friiiied. I was going to make a real entry... God knows what I was going to say. Writing hasn't been working lately? I want to stab B's girlfriend in the face repeatedly for being such a self centered bitch? She's getting dangerously close to my last goddamn nerve and I swear to fuck I'm going to verbally rip her soul out of her chest turn it inside out and stomp on it until ... Uh. There the metaphor ends because. Well. For the same reason I haven't been writing much, I guess.

There should be two new sets of birthday prezzies posted in the next couple of days. Some of them are going to be pretty freakin' sweet, so keep your eyes open. :smishes ice_ziggee and serenelystrange:

Oh! I also wanted to pimp out orphan_project's prompt page. Head here, at her writing journal, and leave her prompts for writing! So far I've been the only one... And don't get me wrong. I'm epic at prompting, but even I am not that good. So go one, shoo, away with you, and get thee writing.

Or something.

Burgers are done, so I guess I should wander away...

life, pimping, i love my flist

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