Alright! Alright, I give in. I'm making a place where you can prompt me.
But I've got a few rules:
1) This is for prompts that you can't otherwise prompt for me at
comment_fic. Either you've used up all your slots or it's a Lonely Prompt weekend, just as long as the prompt showing up here isn't a prompt you've written there. This is for the sake of my own sanity.
2) Please use the format fandom, characters, prompt. Again, for my limited sanity!
3) Be patient about me answering. The muses come and go as they will, sparking what they will, and I've got a lot of prompts saved up, plus a few other writing projects besides. Not to mention getting back into beta'ing. I'm not ignoring you, I promise. :)
4) When you're leaving a comment, or skimming through my responses, please be aware that the ratings will vary from G all the way through NC17. Enter at your own discretion.
Addendum: Please prompt in fandoms and for pairings that I write for. If you're really hankering for something, and think I can pull it off, you can prompt it, but its chances of getting answered are... well, pretty small. It will definitely work out better if you talk to me about the idea before hand.
What I write:
-Supernatural: gen, Sam/Dean, Dean/Ana, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jess, Sam/Ruby
-Leverage: gen, teamfic, Nate/Eliot, Eliot/Hardison, Hardison/Parker, Hardison/Parker/Eliot, past Nate/Maggie, one sided Sophie/Nate
-RPS: gen, Kane/Carlson, J2, JDM/Sam Ferris, JDM/Kane, Jackman/Kitsch, Rosenbaum/Welling... sometimes there's a mix between all these people. My goth!verse, spy!verse, and Dollhouse/RPS verses feature others that can be mixed in as well.
-Crossovers: Firefly/Wolverine, Firefly/Leverage, Leverage/Burn Notice, Dollhouse/RPS
-Star Wars: gen, unless it involves RPS
Right then. I think that covers everything.... I'm going to regret this, aren't I? :snickers: