spn 4.21

May 07, 2009 21:07

Teaser... HI MARY! Last week had John, now Mary. Hmmm...

Oh boys...

"If it smells like a duck" only you Dean. "Benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse" now that dialog I like...

Ooooh, When the Levee Breaks... nice title...

holy jeebus wtf? This is what demon withdrawl looks like? Freaky ass imagery there.

Yeah, I'm scattered. Oh well. Colin is an amazing actor. Him being pissed is awesomeness.

And hello, crucifixion imagery much?



Oh that was freaky. Yellow Eyed wee!Sam!

Seals breaking like dominoes fall. Hello levee.

You could love him too much? Really? Cos that makes sense? Not...

Now wait, Sammy had psychic powers without demon blood. They were weak, but still.


Hrm. Why would Mary be saying that? She wouldn't, I don't think. But. WAIT. Does Sam know she was a hunter?

Is it him trying to be rational? Or is it something else? Someone else? The Azzie in him?

ass-reamed in heaven. nice imagery, really.

"creature you'd feel compelled to kill" oh, such careful words.

Wholly? Oh, words are required. This would be binding then, huh?

Deals with angels. Interesting. No kiss for Cas then? Shame...

Pretty effect, actually.

OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU BOBBY. Signed up to be the angels' bitch. Ah, wonderful.

Holy jeebus what? Seizure I guess. But... wow. Throwing himself around the room...

"My gig, not yours" Nice, Dean, really.

So the withdrawl is killing him... Oh, hey, Dean's a hallucination.

:blinks: Bad wolf, huh? No, not feeling the tug of Doctor Who there at all.

Interesting that Sam's self loathing comes in the form of Dean. Hm.

Wow, that was a pretty nose shot. It totally automatically made me think of kroki_refur.

Ummmmmmmm... who's letting him out? :worries:

Cas let him out? And locked the door again. What the hell.

Hi Ana... and... She shouldn't call him Cas. That's totally Dean's thing.

The shot with the white light is very pretty... Poor Ana...

Cue lots and lots of flailing. Cos for a second, just a brief moment, I really, honestly thought Show was gonna kill Bobby. And I was gonna be PISSED. Oh Bobby. You soft, loveable old man. :hugs him tightly:

"You think she's got the mojo?" nice. And of course they assume it'd be her first... Oh Cas.

Interesting interchange between the two... I wonder if she's playing him... or if she actually gives a damn. And she's all pretty, knocked back like that...

Now this is turning into a game of he knows that I know that he knows that I know that he knows.

Only 3 or 2 left? Jesus Christ.

Only Lucifer's first can do it? Gee. Wonder what Sam is. Yeah? Makes me wanna go back and look up the lore on Azazel again. :sighs:

And oh! Surprise. Really. Lilith eats babies! I guess technically it is traditional lore. But still. It feels like a bad joke.

Sam should grow a gotee when he becomes evil Sam.

"getting him back, not pushing him away" why does the look on Dean's face say "probably gonna have to kill'm"

Oh, hey, Dean found the place.

Surprise, Sam saves Ruby.

"I'm glad you're here"

I'm really not liking the angles they're bringing in on Sam. It's weirding me out during his close ups.

Oh. Hi there. The brothers have been effectively split up. Lookit that. Yeah, couldn't see that coming. At all. Really. Melodramatic, show. And so was that commercial break.

Knock out drag out fight... although, where did Sam killing Dean come from? Thanks for the teenage angst there Sammy. And oh! Dean gets to repeat his Daddy's words. That? That hurts...

Fandom just simultaneously exploded, I'm sure. :snickers: Leaving it there? Sam leaving Dean on the floor? yeeeeeeah.


episode reaction, supernatural, tv, geektastic

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