Another year gone already? Really?

May 05, 2009 16:20

Where does the time go? I'm 26 today! Don't feel any different than yesterday. Funny how that happens, I guess. All the important personal shifts never happen on your birthday, do they? Heh.

Well. What's to say? I've got a dreamwidth account. Still havenward, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. But it's there, y'know. If you want to friend me or whatever they call it, or have suggestions I'm open to them. Or if anyone would like to do the foot work of transferring all my fic. Cos.... that's a lot of coding. LOL.

I've got $40 of iTunes money as part of my gifts, and I'm kind of blissing out on music right now. I've got Shiny Toy Guns (which HOORAY! They've released a single of the David Bowie cover from that car commercial!) and Abney Park (dear god, I'm going steampunk when I have money) and Andrew Bird (violins and whistling hee~) and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (um, I think? Very cool name, but it's kind of bizarre lol) and Airborn Toxic Event and and and yes. So very very yes. :purrs:

Mum also sent me sandles. Which... I don't want to sound ungrateful. They're from Land's End, so they were probably a good bit. But they're in a style I have never ever worn. Ever. And... they're this ugly mint color. But I haven't got any of the information to return them and I can't exactly tell my mother that I don't like them. I feel kind of guilty for that, but... I would rather have had another box set of dvds... :/

BUT. Other than that? Mmmm. Pretty haul. I finally got my wall hangings from Christmas. And then I've got Lost s4, Life s1, Resident Evil 5, Thin Mints, Mrs Fields cookies, an HDMI cable (been asking for that for so long), 3 boxes of Cadbury chocolate cream eggs, and gift cards to IHOP and McDonalds.

I'm a very happy camper, oh yes.

And tonight David and I will hit the bar for dinner, and I'll have some fun drinks. I think I'll even request a Sonic Screwdriver. Cos yes, there is a shot called a Sonic Screwdriver, and it sounds amazing. Hee~

me, life, birthday

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