My writing has been derailed by the AWESOMENESS the was the BSG series finale.
Starbuck was dead the whole time! I had her pegged as some kind of Cylon, I did. But an angel with unfinished business? It didn't click til she put everything together herself with the musical notes and jumping.
I sobbed so hard when she said goodbye to Anders.
And when she said goodbye to Lee.
And when Adama turned and realized that Roslin was dead (though, not so much for her actually dying).
There was a lot of crying in the second half of the show. The first half was very action packed and awesome. And I love the way they played out the vision of the opera house and their little morality play moment.
But I love, love, LOVE the way they ended it. I was laughing and cheering a little because I love that it brought the morality play back around. The question of it. "So what are you gonna do?"
I was pleased. Very pleased, yes.
And so now I have no problem saying that SyFy can fuck itself and it's high horse. I'll probably still watch things on the network, because there's still people with brains on staff (hey, I watch Supernatural and despise the CW). But yeah.
And now. Can I please have someone kill B? If he yells at my cats for no reason one more fucking time I swear to god...