fic: J2: Seems All I Really Was Doing (Waiting for You) 1/1 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZEE!!!

Nov 29, 2008 20:08

Title: Seems All I Really Was Doing (Waiting for You)
Series: CWRPS
Rating: hard PG13 (language)
Words: 1551
Pairing: J2
Note: For thehighwaywoman on her birthday. Inspired by an online comic (as per her request), except that I've lost the link and can't remember which it was... Title snagged from the song Real Love by Regina Spektor. Schmoop ahoy...

Summary: Jensen can't find his PSP, but that isn't what this is about.

The horizon is starting to turn gray as dawn approaches in slow increments. It can't happen fast enough, as far as Jensen's concerned. It's been a long night. Hell, it's been a long week, and the lightening sky means this damn night shoot will have to end in the very near future. Not that he'll get much of a break, of course. He'll have just long enough to get something to eat and hole up in his trailer for a catnap.

Jensen ignores the fact that he'll be napping alone.

Sam and Dean are fighting this week (and isn't it just Jensen's luck that this time it doesn't involve a shouting match?), leaving the brothers divided and lying to each other over the phone. Stupid Winchesters and their stupid secrets. Barring the first day filming this episode, when Sam and Dean were walking on eggshells and speaking in omissions and hurt silences, Jensen and Jared haven't had a scene together all week. Have barely seen one another at all, except to collapse into bed tangled together and already asleep.

It's starting to piss Jensen off, wearing him thin. Which is, apparently, a good thing. At least so far as the director is concerned. The tense line of Dean's shoulders, combined with that particular stance and a scowl that tugs at his eyes and lips just so, is the best it's ever been. Jensen wonders if Kripke would fire him for kicking the guy in the teeth.

He rubs a hand over his face. That thought there? Means he's spent too much time bitching to Chris on the phone.

"Alright guys," the director calls out. Says something about one more shot, but Jensen tunes him out. He doesn't particularly care if the guy wants to try and squeeze out one more perfect anything; Jensen's totally phoning it in til he hears the word 'wrap'. "Take five, Jen."

Jensen actually physically twitches. The list of people that get to call him that is short; guest directors need not apply. For a moment he considers correcting him, but decides he doesn't want to waste the chance to get off of his feet. Besides, if he's really lucky, he can get a battle or two in with Jared on the PSP. Thank Christ for the advent of wireless gaming.

When he gets to his director's chair, though, he can't find it. He asks a few PAs, who all shrug unhelpfully. Then he catches sight of Cliff, helping himself to a donut and coffee at craft services.

"Hey man," the bodyguard says as he approaches. "You wanting to head back to the house at all? Juggling you and Jared like this, I can't remember who has time to go where."

"No," Jensen says. The guy had arrived nearly an hour ago, just in case Jensen got lucky and the shoot wrapped on time for once. It hadn't even occurred to him that Cliff would wait all this time for him. "No, thanks. But hey, uh. Did you happen to notice what I did with my PSP? Could'a sworn I had it..."

"I think you left it in your trailer," Cliff says, carefully tapping a sugar packet over his coffee. "You took it with you on the last break, and I don't remember seeing it when you came back out."

"Oh. Thanks." Damn. Jensen shoves his hands in his pockets, deflating a little. "Y'know, I'm just gonna stay in my trailer, if you've got anything to do."

"Sure." Cliff frowns a little. You know the day really needs to end when even your bodyguard pities you.

"Mr. Ackles?" a PA asks, popping her head into his line of sight. "They need you back on set..."


He's starting to worry. It's stupid, he knows. A PSP isn't that important, in the grand scale of things. It isn't irreplaceable (even if he and Jared would have to restart the scores and preferences on their personal network) and it isn't even all that expensive.

It's been two whole days. With the same fucking schedule.

Jensen turns his trailer inside out and upside down twice. He has Jim help him the third time round, because the damn thing isn't anywhere else either. Not with craft services or the PAs or the effects van. None of the crew has seen it. The director is looking at him like he's got seven heads. Which is pretty impressive, because Jensen's pretty sure one of the fuglies for this episode is a slimy seven headed something-or-other.

He can feel himself starting to mope. So of course that's when Jared calls.

"Hey babe," he says casually. Jensen thinks he can hear button mashing in the background, but not the tell-tale soundtrack accompanying the PS3. "Did you get any sleep?"

Jensen just grunts. He doesn't want to tell Jared he hasn't so much as sat down.

The button clicks stop, and he can picture Jared frowning. "What's wrong? Why didn't you sleep?"

Jensen sighs. This is so stupid. "Because... I still can't find my PSP." There's only silence at the other end of the line. "I know, it's... I just..."

"Jen... You're that worried over the PSP?"

He was expecting Jared to laugh at him. Maybe make fun of him. Certainly he was expecting to be told to stop being weird and get some sleep. Jensen wasn't expecting Jared to sound so, well, touched. "Yeah," he says at last.

Now Jared chuckles a little. "It's alright, man. I've got it here with me. It's safe."

"Wait, wha-"

"I'll give it back to you later, okay? At dinner. Now get some sleep, you freak."

Jared hangs up before Jensen can point out that they aren't having dinner together. Are they?


Who knew that long distance puppy dog eyes could rearrange an entire production schedule? Well, that and a few choice words from Sera. (Jensen's never been so thankful that Jared's become such good friends with her until today. He needs to remember to send her flowers. And chocolates. And a thank you card to put all others to shame.) He settles back against the couch and puts his feet up on the coffee table, and sighs.

A moment later Jared drops down next to him, sipping from one bottle of beer even as he's holding out another. Jensen grins up at him as he takes it. "Pizza and wings are on their way," Jared says with a smile. But he doesn't lean back, doesn't relax, and the smile looks a little tight. He's even fidgeting, worrying at the lable on his bottle absentmindedly.

He hasn't looked this nervous since the first time they kissed. "Jared?"

His mouth opens and closes a few times, red crawling up his neck and across his face in a deep flush. "I...uh... well." He stares at his hands a moment and takes a deep breath. Lets it out slowly, like it hasn't helped at all. "Here, just. Need the... Stay. Just a second. Thingy."

Jensen's torn between amusement and worry as Jared puts his beer down and gets up. "Jay, man. You okay?"

Jared makes a noise that might be yes and no mangled together and disappears for a few moments. He's got the PSPs in his hands when he comes back. "Had a whole. Erm."

Jensen sits up a little and reaches out to tug gently on the leg of Jared's jeans so he'll sit down. "Breathe," he says gently. "I need whole sentences, okay?"

Jared perches on the end of the couch and nods. A small smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. He pushes Jensen's PSP into his hands earnestly. "Look at the, um. At the high scores, okay?"

Jensen nods, smiles reassuringly. He wants to ask why Jared had his and never said anything, how he got it to begin with. But he holds his tongue. Jared's a nervous wreck as it is. The games boot in only a few moments; connecting the PSPs takes only a few more. A few clicks on the controls and...

"Were you playing on my PSP?" Jensen asks, confused. Jared nods sheepishly and fidgets some more. He's waiting for something, watching Jensen's face carefully. Jensen looks back down to the screen and stares, willing himself to catch on. Why were the scores important? Jared had put in weird initials, maybe...

WIL .... 998563
LYO .... 977453
UMA .... 922300
RRY .... 866472
ME? .... 798550

His eyes widen, and he's vaguely aware of Jared's breath catching. Jensen stares for a few moments longer. He looks up, studying Jared's face, his eyes. Finds only hope. Hope and love.

"You're such a dork," is what he says at first. The answer feels too big. Unreal. But that doesn't keep the smile from consuming his face.

"... Does that...?"

Jensen pulls him over, silencing the doubt with a kiss. "Yes. It means yes."

presents, seems all i really was doing, j2, cwrps, fic, writing, happy birthday

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