Sometimes the History Channel rocks in the morning

Nov 06, 2008 09:41

Spent the past (ish) 2 hours watching a special exploring the roots and cultural importances of tattooing. By the host traveling the world and getting tattoos. Which is several shades of awesome.

What was really cool (and has me making all sorts of grabbyhands) - the new trend is UV ink. You can't see the tattoo, except under a black light.

And the only thing I want more than a UV tat?

Fic involving someone else getting/having a UV tat. And maybe someone else realizing it's there. I'm not picky about fandom, either. I'd write it myself except that for all I want it? It's not even whispering to me. At all.

All that from someone with no ink at all. Stupid bank account, and having to do things like pay rent. ::sighs:: I suppose it's alright though, since the local guy I really liked that was a serious artist about it (listening to him talk about his work was amazing, and the way he worked with David when he got his back in the day was really cool) isn't here anymore. I'd have to find someone else I trust to be more than just hygienic.

Another thing I thought was really cool from the show, from when the host was in New Zealand for the bit on Maori tattooing, was the traditional greeting. Hongi, where there's a sort of headbump/nose rub and (according to the host, although it goes unmentioned in the sources I skimmed) the sharing of a breath. I like the intimacy of it, I guess, and the potential (but entirely undiscussed so possibly entirely imagined) spiritual aspect.

With that, it's time to run some errands. Happy Thursday, folks!

And oh HEY! It's Thursday!
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