Sometimes I wonder if people have brains...

Oct 25, 2008 14:23

... Other times? I know they don't.

This? This is why I generally feel like people (not persons, but as a group) are really. Fucking. Stupid.

Focus on the Family is holding their "Love Won Out" conference soon. For those of you not familiar, think "Pray Away the Gay" but less caustic sounding, and which (apparently, anyway) gays go to of their own volition.

I don't have words. I really don't. So I'm just going to quote at you a lot.
"This is a struggle that can be overcome. A number of us have overcome," said Melissa Fryrear, a self-identified ex-gay and director of Focus' Gender Issues Department.

"God can radically change your life, whatever the issue is," said Fryrear, 42. "We're ministering to Christian families. They are devastated when a loved one is living homosexually. They can't condone what falls outside biblical truth."


Dobson said there are more than 800 known former gay and lesbian individuals who have found "wholeness in their newfound heterosexuality."


"Even if homosexuality is someday proven to be inborn, inborn does not necessarily mean normal, or divinely sanctioned," "Love Won Out" conference speaker Joe Dallas wrote. "Surely we're not going to say that obesity, violence, alcoholism and adultery are legitimate because they were inherited."

Now, because the newspaper is relatively sane, there's also this:
Christine Bakke, a 37-year-old Denver artist, moved to Colorado 10 years ago for the state's ex-gay programs and spent more than four years in two of them. She also underwent psychological counseling."I threw my whole heart and soul and life into changing," she said. "There was a period of time when I actually believed I was changing. Then there would be reminders - oh, no, still gay."

Unfortunately, it's tempered by the responses to the article, namely one here:
The gay community isn't just trying to reverse discrimination and get equality anymore, their actively recruiting kids to the gay lifestyle. Oh look kids (who aren't even teenagers yet) see how great it is.
Children can be influenced easily and their taking advantage of that. Sexual orientation is something kids shouldn't be involved with at all.



No words. Just. Waving goodbye to my faith in humanity. ::waves forlornly::

It makes me think that maybe they'll get that state constitution ammendment. And then hearing that Prop 8 will probably end up passing in CA... Is everywhere like this? It seems like I'm hearing this more and more here at home and... I just gotta know. Is there anywhere worth leaving for? Or is everywhere this fucking... fucked? Was I just never paying enough attention?

wtf??, idiots, weird news

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