original writing: Motorcycle Vagabond (5/?)

Oct 20, 2008 04:35

Title: Motorcycle Vagabond
Rating: PG13 (mild language)
Words: 299
Note: Continues to be non-linear. PLEASE comment and critique. For teithiwr, who prompted me to write something about Dani's family. It's been a while, and I was hoping for something longer this time...

Summary: Some dates she avoids on purpose. Sometimes she's just shy of apathetic.

There are some holidays she simply doesn't notice til they're gone. They get commercials on TV and sales at the mall, but they don't cover every store you see in red or fill the aisles with candy. There's no fireworks cracking open the sky for a week or strange balloon creatures taking over people's lawns. There's nothing to stamp the date in her mind, stark and sharp and unavoidable.

Mother's Day, for instance. It's not that she's got anything against the day, per say. (Not like Father's Day, which can just stuff itself where the sun doesn't shine, and all its pretentious lies with it.) She just... hasn't spoken with her mother for years. Which sounds malicious or negligent, and isn't either. Not really.

It's complicated.

“How in the hell you get away wit' not talkin' to yo' mama?” a gas station attendant asks her somewhere in Louisiana.

She shrugs a little. “She always tries to get me to come back and settle down,” she says. “She doesn't think that staying on the road is very becoming of a lady.” She doesn't say my mother thinks that living off what my brother left me disrespects his memory. She doesn't say she chose her side.

“'S just 'cause she loves you,” he says. “Ev'ry mama loves her babies.” She nods and doesn't argue. Love was never the issue between her and her mother. “Ain't no use startin' a fight where none's needed though I s'pose.”

She nods again and pays for her gas. She'd been planning on heading northeast and maybe making her way up the eastern seaboard, but now she's thinking maybe going straight south til she hits the Gulf is a better idea. Not picking a fight seems as good a reason as any.

original, writing, motorcycle vagabond

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