GWB on a bill?

Sep 21, 2008 09:46

Apparently some guy paid for his groceries with a $200 bill. (Picture of bill with the article.)

But, you say, the United States does not feature a $200 bill! And you are correct, after all.

But it gets better.

George W. Bush's portrait and a drawing of the White House complete with lawn signs reading "We like ice cream" and "USA deserves a tax cut."

::giggles:: We like ice cream... Oh, the poor cashier must have been pretty overworked to take that bill. Even if you've got a marker you can fake that by swapping one bill for another. And for a bill that large, you really have to look, check the strip and the watermark and... well. The bill itself. The numbering and such is totally wrong for any bill that could possibly bear George W's face on it.

A totally different guy tried to pass another one off later but got caught, too. Wonder who was distributing them, hm? Its like an episode of Numb3rs... or maybe that's my brain short circuiting again...

Nap now. Icons later. Good sunday...

humor, weird news, random

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